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Téarmaidheacht. VIII.
Téarmaidheacht. VIII.
Féach bailitheoir,
Ó Donnchadha, Tadhg
Ó Luingsigh, Mícheál
Composition Date
Connradh na Gaedhilge
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Téarmaidheacht. — VIII. Culoith an chapaill, &rl. Culoith an chapaill, harness of the horse. Gléas capaill, all the fittings — such as harness, vehicles, agricultural implements, &c. — required to enable a horse to perform work. (a) Cuir an chuloith ar an gcapall, put the harness on the horse. (b) Gaibh an capall, tackle the horse to something — as a car, &c. (c) Gléas an capall, same as gaibh an capall. (d) Cuir an gléas ar an gcapall, same as gaibh an capall. Bhuincear, winker. Cluasa (an bhuincir), parts of the winder which shade the horse's eyes. Béalmhach (proncd. béal-mhuch), mouthpiece, bit. (a) Béalmhach sheasaimh, standing bit — usually having a curb. (b) Béalmhach reatha, running bit. (c) Béalmhach dhúbaltha, double bit. (d) Béalmhach shinnil (shingil), single bit. (e) Béalmhach chasta, twisted bit, bit grooved spirally. Strupa (an ghiail), jaw-strap. Pillíní (an bhuincir), pads of the winker. Cuiléar, collar; pillíní (an chuiléir), pads of the collar. Ama, hame. (a) Cuir an cuiléar 'sa' (= a's an) t-ama ar an gcapall, put the collar and the hame on the horse. (b) Bhí cuiléar a's ama ar an gcapall, there was a collar and a hame on the horse. (c) Strupa (an ama), hame-strap — tied above the collar. (d) Burla-ghad (nó, gad burlaigh), that which ties the ends of a timber hame under the collar or at the horse's breast — formerly a withe (gad), but latterly a hempen cord; the lower parts of an iron hame are connected, usually, by a chain (slabhra an bhurlaigh). (e) Crúcaí (an ama), hooks one at each side of the hame, for the draught-chains. Srathar, straddle. (a) Cura (na sratharnach), that part of the front of the straddle which rises over the cuiripe of the horse. (b) Drothad (na s.), the bridge of the straddle — for the ridge band. (c) Pillíní (na s.), pads of the straddle. (d) Giusra (na s., girth of the straddle. Srathar fhada, a straddle by means of which a horse bears a load — usually in panniers, one suspended at each side. (a) Mataí (na sratharach fhada, nó fada), hand- woven straw mats hanging, one at each side, from the srathar fhada, to prevent the horse from being injured by the panniers or by the load. (b) Painnéirí, panniers — by means of which the load is usually carried. (c) Árd-ualach, the load borne by means of the srathar fhada. Bríste (an chapaill), the breeching of the horse; also brístéir. (a) Gealasaí (an bhríste), breeching straps. (b) Bhásta (an bhríste), that part of the breeching which passes round behind the horse. (c) Slabhraí (an bhríste), chains attached to the bhásta. Srian, bridle. (a) An bhfuil srian leis an gcapall san? is that horse bridled? (b) Srianta, reins in the form of leather straps. (c) Srian dúbaltha, reins in the form of double straps. (d) Béalmhach (an tsriain), mouthpiece, or bit, o the bridle. (e) Gan easba gan iomarca coingibh an srian ad' ghlaic. A's do mealadh an duine ná bainfeadh an iasacht as — guide your affairs with your own hand, the while avoiding both stinginess and extravagance; the man is deceived who neglects to make moderately liberal use of his means, see- ing that there is no permanency whatsoever in his possession of them. [Iasacht, a loan]. Ialait, saddle. (a) Cura (na hialaite), that part of the saddle which rises over the cuiripe of the horse. (b) Crann (na hi.), the frame of the saddle. (c) Crúpéir, crupper. (d) Giurtaí (na hi.), girths of the saddle. (e) Stíoróip, stirrup. Marcach, person on horseback. Cúlóg, the person sitting behind — of two persons sitting together on the same horse. (a) Cé bhí ar do bhéalaibh? who was in front of you? (b) Bhí leanbh ar a bhéalaibh ag an marcach (agus do bhí sé féin ar bhéalaibh na cúlóige). Pillín, cushion for the person sitting behind on horseback. Chuirfinn srian agus ialait ar chapall mhear ghroidhe, 'S ar phillín árd-ghreanta do chuirfinn tu ad' shuidhe. Ceannrach, halter. [-annr-, proncd. like the same combination in sgannradh].
Trucail, Bota, &rl. Trucail (nó turcail), car for conveying loads of hay, &c.; called also cairt. (a) Leath-luighe (na trucaile, trucaileach, turcaile, nó turcaileach) shaft of the car; n.pl. leath- luigheanna [-luighe proncd. somewhat like li in like.] (b) Cara (na t.), same as leath-luighe. (c) Lásaí (na t.), side pieces — on the corresponding ends of which the setlocks rest. (d) Lataí, cross-pieces forming the bottom of the car. (e) Leaba (nó leabaidh) na t., the bed of the car, the enclosure formed by the side pieces, setlocks, and bottom of the car. (f) Gárda, guard — which keeps the load, &c., from pressing against, or being injured by, the wheel. (g) Cabhail (na t.), body of the car, the car apart from the axle and wheels. (h) Césáil, casing — in which the axle is embedded. (i) Ráil (na t), set of removable front, hind, and side pieces for giving depth to the car — of use when the car is loaded with coal, lime, or broken stones, &c. Clár tusaigh na rálach, the front baord, or piece of the set; cliathán na rálach, either of the side pieces of a set of top-rails. (l) Trucail (nó turcail) rálach, car having rails. (m) Trucail (nó turcail) mhaol, car having neither guards nor rails. (n) Cruib, a crib, set of four removable pieces; of use for enclosing pigs, calves, sheep, or turf, &c., being conveyed in the car. Cliathan na cruibe, either of the side pieces of the crib. Tusach na cruibe, the front piece of the crib. Deireadh na cruibe, the hind piece of the crib, the tail-gate of the crib. The word geata is also applied to each of the front and hind pieces. Geata tusaigh, the front gate; geata deiridh, the tail-gate. [Muirtís, mor- tice; tionúir, tenon]. Roth (no t.), wheel of the car. (a) Spóca, spoke; fiula, felloe; molth, stock, centre-piece in which the spokes are fixed; bosga (an rotha), the box of the wheel, a hollow piece of metal passing through the middle of the stock; bandaí (an mhoilth), iron bands of the stock; iarann (an rotha) iron band of the wheel. (b) Gaibh na rothaí, block the wheels. Runáirí, runners — irons, one in each shaft of the car. Raothach, ridge-band — a chain connected with the runners by means of hooks (crúcaí na saothaighe). Crúcaí (na dtarrac), draught-hooks — fixed near the front setlock. Tarrac, draught-chain. Bota, butt. (a) Bota rálach, butt having top-rails. (b) Bota maol, butt not having top-rails. (c) Árduigh siar an bota ar a sháil, raise the front ends of the shafts so that the hind ends shall touch the ground. Draé, a vehicle without shafts and wheels — used for conveying large stones, &c., over uneven ground. Bara, hand-barrow. Treabhadh, &rl. Drumach, back-hand — used when the horse is plough- ing, &c. (a) Crúcaí (an dramaigh), hooks in the back-band — for draught-chains. (b) Tarrac (n.p. tairric), draught-chain. (c) Tá leath-tarrac ar an gcapall agat — the parts of the draughts used in pulling being unequal in length. Réiní, reins. (a) Téad chnáibe, hempen cord or rope. (b) Téad ruainnighe, cord or rope made of cow- hair or of horse-hair. (c) Téad ruaiminighe, same as téad ruainnighe. (d) Téad ruainnigh, same as téad ruainnighe. Trea'thach, ploughman; also, horse drawing the plough. (a) Is olc an trea'thach capaill é sin, tá an chré- bhuidhe ag tiosbeáint ann, the bad stuff in him is showing itself, he is showing unwill- ingness to work, or sulkiness, &c. Trea'thadóir, same as trea'thach. Fear trea'tha, ploughman. (a) Giolla (capaill), man guiding a horse. (b) Ní féidir treabhadh agus giollacht a dhéanamh:— tá an sean-fhocal sáruighthe sa méid sin. (c) Tá an capall i n-úim (nó uaim) an trea'tha, the horse is tackled to the plough. Seisreach, a team of two horses in ploughing. The term was formerly applied to a team of six horses. Cuingeal (cuinneal?), the cord or rope connecting the heads of a team of horses in ploughing. (a) Táid siad (.i. na capaill) i n-úim (nó uaim) trea'tha, they (the horses) are tackled to the plough. (Ní Chríoch).
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