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Téarmaidheacht. VI.
Téarmaidheacht. VI.
Ní fios,
Ó Donnchadha, Tadhg
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Connradh na Gaedhilge
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Téarmaidheacht — VI. An Práta (ar leanamhaint). Barra prátaí, crop of potatoes. Ithir phrátaí, line of potatoes in digging: the line of potatoes thrown together with the spade in dig- ging. Is breágh an ithir phrátaí í sin; is breágh na hithearacha prátaí iad san. An gearradh, the section of a ridge which is dug away by making cuts in a line across the breadth of a ridge. Fód de'n ghearradh, a single sod of the section. Bain gearradh nó cúpla gearradh prátaí dham. Béal an ghearradh, the cut-away or dug-away end of the ridge in digging potatoes; also the space be- tween the cut-away end of the ridge and the nearer end of the line of potatoes. Coingibh béal do ghearradh glan .i. an chré agus na prátaí a chimeád uait amach ar an ithir. Leath-sgiollóg, section of a potatoe that has been cut into two parts by the spade in digging. Pioc na leath-sgiollóga as na prátaí sin. Bíonn na prátaí 'n-a leath-sgiollógaibh i ndiaidh ráinne leithne. Sgiathóg, a wide shallow basket for holding potatoes. Ciseán, a pannier. Ag piocadh phrátaí, gathering potatoes off the ground. Poll prátaí, a potato pit or clamp; a pit of potatoes from which potatoes are taken away. (a) Béal an phoill, that end of the pit or clamp from which potatoes are taken away. (b) Tón an phoill, end oposite béal an phoill. (c) Tá na prátaí sgeabhcháltha i ndiaidh na mba (nó na muc), the potatoes are half eaten, trampled, etc., by the cows (or by the pigs). (d) Comáin na ba (nó na muca) as an bpoll, nó sgeabhchálfaid siad na prátaí ar fad. (e) Tá na ba ag sgeabhcháil na bprátaí. (f) Tá na prátaí poll-piastach .i. líonta de pholl- aibh piast. Poll péiste, hole tunnelled into a potato by a worm or other insect. Ag iompáil phrátaí, turning potatoes, i.e. removing them from one place of storage to another in order to air them, to arrest their sprouting, or to break off sprouts, etc; temporarily removing them from their place of storage for one or more of the same purposes. Práta, potato. Croiceann an phráta, skin or rind of the potato. Ceann an phrata, head or top of the potato. Tón an phráta, end opposite ceann an phráta. Prátaí luatha, potatoes that ripen early — coicthigheas roimh Lughnasa, nó níosa luatha. Seana-phrátaí, potatoes of last season's crop — said to be old when the new potatoes are being dug or are soon to be dug. An bhfuil na seana-phrátaí ag seasamh fós díbh? Cnaist (f.g.s. cnaiste, n.p. cnaistirí) .i. adhbairne práta, very large potato. Práta garbh, large potato. Prátaí miona, small potatoes. Criochán, very small potato. Gionán, same as criochán. Práta cas, shrunk or wrinkled potato. Caistín, same as práta cas. Prátaí claimheach (claimheacha), prátaí gearbacha, potatoes having rough skin. Práta phríocháin, potato pecked here and there by a crow. Práta piastach, wormy potato. Cuileacha, potatoes rendered useless through over- sprouting, or heating, etc. (a) Dhein cuileacha dhíobh; tá na prátaí sin 'n-a gcuileachaibh. (b) Ní'l puínn tairbhe is (in) na prátaí sin, mar táid siad lán d'ústaibh dúbha (black spots, through haveing been turned too often, etc.). Prátaí lobhtha, potatoes in an advanced stage of de- composition. Prátaí tiorma (trioma, tíorama) — sa pholl, potatoes that have not increased in moisture while stored in the pit or clamp. Práta fliuch — sa pholl, potato become very moist while stored in the pit. Prátaí úra, fresh potatoes; potatoes recently dug; also applied to potatoes dug at Christmas from a reserved piece of a ridge. Prátaí dúbha, potatoes black, or partly so, from dis- ease. Práta gréine, potato green, or partly so, from ex- posure to the sun and air. Tá dath an aeir (nó na spéireach) ar an bpráta, the potato is green from exposure. Prátaí riabhacha, potatoes having brown skin. Prátaí dearga, potatoes the skin of which is red. Prátaí bána, sound potatoes having white skin. Práta fuar, raw potato. Ag nighe phrátaí, cleaning potatoes with water pre- paratory to boiling them. Corcán, pot: crocán prátaí, potful of potatoes. Ag beirbheadh phrátaí, cooking potatoes by means of boiling water. Tá na prátaí ag crónán, the water in which the potatoes are being cooked is simmering. Tá na prátaí ar fiuchaidh (nó friuchaidh), the water in which the potatoes are being cooked is boiling. Tá fiuchadh (friuchadh) leath-taoibh aca, the water in which they are being cooked has visible boiling motion at one part only of the side of the vessel.
Tá na prátaí, (nó an t-uisge) ag cuilitheáil, the boiling water in which the potatoes are being cooked is bubbling. Tá na prátaí beirbhthe, the potatoes are boiled. Tá na prátaí ró-bheirbhthe, the potatoes are over- boiled. Tá an t-uisge dultha ionnta, they are saturated with the water in which they have been boiled — known as they are being eaten. Tá na prátaí 'n-a sgeanthairt, the potatoes are much broken up through over-boiling. [Is gránna an sgeanthairteáil oibre í sin, very badly or carelessly done; done in a bungling fashion.] Ag sgagadh phrátaí, removing from potatoes the water in which they have been boiled: straining potatoes. Práta beirbhthe, boiled potato. Prátaí tiorma (trioma, tíorama) — le n-ithe, potatoes not unusually moist when boiled: potatoes of good quality. Práta fliuch (le n-ithe), opposite of práta tirim (nó trim) — le n-ithe. Prátaí seaca, raw potatoes that have been slightly injured by frost. Tá blas an tseaca ortha, they have, when boiled, a peculiar taste. Prátaí géara, potatoes sour-tasting when boiled. Prátaí plúracha, potatoes floury when boiled. Tá gealach istigh ionnta, the hearts of the (large) potatoes are raw or very nearly so — the outer parts being boiled. Práta cnag-bheirbhthe, potato not soft boiled but nearly so — feeling rather hard to the teeth. Tá cnag is (in) na prátaí sin. Tá cnag is na prátaí sin — ní mór dóibh fiuchadh eile fhághail, they need further boiling. Tá na prátaí i n-eirball a dteas, the heat has almost left them: they are very nearly be- come cold. Práta fuar-bheirbhthe, boiled potato become cold. Práta patuar, boiled potato become quite cold. [Is patuar an fear é sin, he is a cold, cool, or careless man, i.e. he is a man that neglects his business.] Prátaí ath-téighte, cold boiled potatoes re-heated by placing them in the boiling water of potatoes already nearly boiled. Prátaí rósta, cold boiled potatoes re-heated by placing them on the fire, by the side or edge of the fire, or on the burning embers (luaith- ghríosach). Sgeabhchán, the little bit of raw potato that remains after the rest of the potato has been grated away: also applied to what is left of a raw potato that has been half-eaten, more or less, by a rat, a donkey, or a crow, etc. Steaimpí, grated potatoes. Stairs, starch — home- made formerly — from the expressed juice of the grated mass (steaimpí). Griodiol, griddle. Bácús, bastible. Leac steaimpí, a slate for keepign a cake adhering to it in a standing position in front of the fire to bake. Crann aráin, a natural tripod of wood (obtained from a piece of bogwood, the top of a tree, &c.) which when trimmed, serves as a back support for a griddle, or a leac, &c., placed standing in front of the fire. Císte steaimpí, cake made from grated potatoes. Beidh sgruid steaimpí againn anocht, agus im air. Tá an císte beirbhthe, the cake is baked. Stagún, potato rendered soft by frost: also a potato which has, through excess of moisture while stored in a pit, undergone changes which render it, if boiled, unfit for food. Císte stagún, cake made from stagúin. Brothóg (phrátaí), the number or collection of raw potatoes set on the fire to roast or on the embers to bake. An bhfuil an bhrothóg beirbhthe? Práta brothóige, potato that is or was one of a collec- tion called a brothó; a single potatoe of the group. [Brothóg is also applied to a collection of eggs found, say in the nest of a hen that lays abroad. Fuaras ana-bhrothóg obh.] Builín breac, a boiled, peeled, toasted potato; called also circín rósta. [Builín is also applied to a mass of dough baked whether by a baker in an oven or by a child on the embers. Builín pingine, a penny loaf, etc., of bread]. Tómhas (prátaí), weight of potatoes (= 21 lbs) Maol (prátaí) = trí tómhas, nó mar sin. Maol trí dtómhais, firkin capable of holding 3 wts of potatoes. Mála (prátaí) = dá thómhas déag, nó mar sin, 12 wts. or so. Prátaí istoidhche a's prátaí is-ló, A's dá n-eirighinn i meádhan oidhche is prátaí gheóbhainn. Cabáiste. Cabáiste, cabbage. Síol cabáiste, cabbage seed. (a) Síol nuadh, new seed, i.e. seed sown, or in- tended for sowing, within the year in which it ripened. (b) Seana-shíol, old seed, i.e. seed which ripened in a year previous to that in which it is sown or intended to be sown.
(c) Is é an seana-shíol is feárr fulang le sioc an Earraigh nuair a bhíonn sé ag fás 'n-a phlandaíbh san iomare; agus nuair a gheal- ann sé ní phléasgann croidhe an toir, mar a phléasgann croidhe an toir fhásann as an síol nuadh. Iomare síol cabáiste, bed in which cabbage plants for transplanting are raised from seed: seed beds. Ag cur (nó cuir) síol cabáiste, sowing cabbage seed in a seed bed. Tá an síol ag teacht 'n-a bhruth; tá bruth de aníos, the young plants have come up very thickly or plentifully. Gáirdín cabáiste, cabbage garden, garden of cab- bage. Plandaí cabáiste, cabbage plants pulled for trans- planting. Plandaí (nó cabáiste) gáirdín, cabbage plants for transplanting in a cabbage garden — the strongest plants taken out of the seed bed. Plandaí (nó cabáiste) gruan, cabbage plants for transplanting on the brows of potato ridges — plants of intermediate strength taken out of the seed bed (gruadhann). Ag cur (cuir) chabáiste gruan. Miúrach, the smallest an weakest plants left in the seed-bed after the better and the best plants have been pulled up for transplanting ; the relics or remnants. Ag stathadh mhiúraighe. Fuaras seódh miúraighe ó'n bhfear san. Ag cur (cuir) chabáiste, transplanting young cabbage plants. Ceap cabáiste, a crowded row of cabbage plants placed in earth to prevent their withering before transplanting, or to check their growth, etc. Ag cur cabáiste i gceap. Ag cur (cuir) cabáiste le céachta, transplanting cabbage plants by means of horse labour. Ag leathadh phlandaí (ar iomaire prátaí), laying down the cabbage plants, each on or near the spot where it is to be transplanted. Ag cur (cuir) chabáiste le ráinn, using spade labour. Ag sádh cabáiste le cipín, making horizontal holes at intervals along the brow of a potato rudge with a short pointed stick, and transplanting a cabbage plant in each hole. Ag luighe ar an bplanda, pressing the soil about that part of the plant which lies in the earth. Ag priocadh le cabáiste, loosening the soil imme- diately around the plant and drawing earth about the stem. Tá lópa ar an bplanda san, its roots spread out like those of a tree. Cabáiste bocht, cabbage not making vigorous growth. Cabáiste crapaithe, cabbage very slow of growth. Tá struip bhreágh bhog ar an gcabáiste sin. Struip, that half or part of the leaf which is at either side of the mid-rib. Cabáiste fírinneach, cabbage that does not produce a starter. Cabáiste bréagach, cabbage that produces a starter. (a) Tá an cabáiste ag easgar, a starter is begin- ning to appear or has just appeared. (b) Easgaróchaidh an planda san, mar tá an struip ag rith síos ar an lurgain aige. Lurga, leaf-stalk. Cabáiste geal, cabbage having a white heart or head. cabbage having blanched leaves; white cabbage. Cabáiste glas, cabbage spreading out in green leaves; cabbage from the time it is transplanted until it is ripe. Cábáiste míllthe, puny or blighted cabbage. Cabáiste piastach, cabbage partly eaten by cater- pillars, etc. Ag strupáil cabáiste, detaching the outer leaves of growing cabbage. Stampa (nó stumpa) cabáiste, stem of a cabbage plant. Tor cabáiste, head of a cabbage plant; a head of cabbage. Tor, assemblage of leaves spreading from the stem and forming the head. Tor geal, glas, garbh, nó beag, a white , green, large, or small head or top, respectively. Cabáiste cnag, cabbage rather more than half boiled. Cabáiste cos-nochtaithe, cabbage boiled in pure water. Cabáiste ollmhuighthe, cabbage prepared for food by boiling it in pure water, pressing it, cutting it up, and pouring new milk or cream, etc., on it. Ráib, rape. D'fhiafruigh buachaill aimsire do bhuachaill aimsire eile cadé an sadhas bídh a bhíodh aca, agus isé dubhairt sé:— “Bíonn cabáiste againn ceann do ló agus cabáiste ceann do ló, agus an ceann ná bíonn an t-arán againn bíonn ár dhá ndóthain do'n chabáiste againn“; nó, “Bíonn cabáiste a's cabáiste againn ceann do ló, agus nuair a bhíonn ár ndóthain do'n arán againn bíonn ár dhá ndóthain don chabáiste againn. Seo giota a fuaireamar ó “Sheandún“: Ceó ar Mhuisire is Clárach lom, An comhartha soininne is fearr ar domhan; Ceó ar Chlárach is Muisire lom, An comhartha doininne is fearr ar domhan. Bíonn cabhair Dé ar bóthar. Ní dhíolann punt cathughadh usna fiacha.
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