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Téarmaidheacht. II.
Téarmaidheacht. II.
Ní fios,
Ó Donnchadha, Tadhg
Composition Date
Connradh na Gaedhilge
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Téarmaidheacht. II. Móinfhéar, ALSO múinfhéar. Móinfhéar(also múinfhéar), a meadow; the growing crop of hay. Móinfhéar trom, a meadow bearing a heavy crop of hay; a heavy crop of hay. Móinfhéar éadtrom, a light crop of hay. Móinfhéar mín, a crop of good, fine, grass. Móinfhéar garbh, a meadaow a large proportion of the grass of which is coarse — for example, gabhal- luachair growing among the grass, etc. Móinfhéar gabhal-luachra, a meadow consisting for the most part of gabhal-luachair(a rush like plant). Móinfhéar sínte, a meadaow which is stretched or lodged. Móinfhéar réidh-shínte, a meadaow the grass of which is half-stretched in the same direction. Móinfhéar cosaráltha, a meadow in the state of having been trampled by cattle, fowl, etc. Móinfhéar (e)asaráltha, a meadow the grass of which lies tossed about in all directions — sínte anonn & anall — or that has been trampled. Móinfhéar an-shocair, a meadow the surface of which is rather rugged or rough. Móinfhéar ceannuigheachta, a meadow bought while growing. Síol féir, hayseed; also a first crop of hay raised from seed. Síol sgriodóige, common hayseed(not including the rye-grasses and the like); called also sgriodóg (nó sgrideóg). Síol féir Gaedhealach, same as sgriodóg, or síol sgriodóighe. Síol féir Gallda, foreign or imported hayseed, such as the rye-grasses. Páirc mhóinfhéir, a field wich is a meadow. Páirc shíl féir, a meadow producing a first crop; called also síol féir. Páirc ath-shíol féir, a meadow field producing a second crop. Féar fliuch, pasture; called also ínníar and ínnéar; g.s. and verbal, -nír and -néir. Féar, hay saved. Féar luibheannacha, hay largely mixed with herbs such as brealla gorma, crobh príocháin, nóníní, &rl. Féar glan, hay free from weeds. Féar méith, hay that grew luxuriantly on rich soil. Féar borb, hay from rank grass, forced by manure, etc. Féar borb, raghidh sé fé bheiriughadh, it will shrink very much while being saved. Féar taidhbhseach, soft, spongy hay, the bulk of a given quantity of which is large in comparison with the weight.
Féar dimaidhbhseach, hay a given quantity of which possesses small feeding value, because largely mixed with weeds, etc.; wasteful hay; also féar gan taidhbse, and the opposite of féar taidhbh- seach. Is beag idir a thaidhbhse & dhimaidhbhse — per- haps alluding to a small quantity , concern- ing which it matters little. Féar ceannuigheachta, hay that has been bought. (ní críoch)
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