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Feis Laighean agus Midhe, 1901 - No. 3 Competition.
Feis Laighean agus Midhe, 1901 - No. 3 Competition.
Féach bailitheoir,
Laoide, Seosamh (Lloyd, Joseph H.)
Composition Date
Connradh na Gaedhilge
Comhad TEI
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FEIS LAIGHEAN AGUS MIDHE, 1901. COMPETITION NO. 3. A mhilis, my sweet - Co. Meath. A rúin, my love - Co. Meath. A mhúirnín, darling - Co. Meath. A stóir, O treasure - Co. Meath. A stóirín, O little treasure - Co. Meath. A chuisle, O vein - Co. Meath. A chuisle mo chroidhe, love of my heart - Co. Meath. A ghrádh mo chroidhe, love of my heart - Co. Meath. A stóir mo chroidhe, O treasure of my heart - Co. Meath. A théagair, my dear - Co. Meath. Bastún, a useless or awkward person - Co. Meath. Bárdog, a basket for carrying turf - Co. Louth. Bean-a'-tighe, house-keeper or woman of the house - Co. Meath. Bean sidhe, a fairy woman sup- posed to cry outside certain houses before death. "You-re only a bean sidhe," applied to a person fond of crying - Co. Meath. Buachallán, rag-weed - Co. Meath. Bualtán-buidhe, the rag-weed - Omeath, Co. Louth. Buailteán, part of a flail - Co. Meath. Clábar, mud or dirt - Co. Meath. Cruit, a hump, as "Take that cruit off you" - Co. Meath. Cearc, a hen; used to hunt out a hen, as "hie - cearc" - Co. Meath. Camán, the staff used hurling - (Heard universally). Cait, used to hunt the cat - Co. Meath. Crúb, a pig's foot - Co. Meath. Crúibín, a pig's foot - Co. Meath. Cáibín, an old hat - Co. Meath. Cáilín bán, a white-haired girl - Co. Meath. Cúilfhionn, a white-haired girl. I have heard a word similar to this applied to an old white- haired piper - Co. Meath. Crádh croidhe, a disease; a falling- in of the breast-bone of a human being - Co. Meath. Clotóg, a piece of broken turf - Co. Meath. Cogaille, a foolish person; sometimes gogaille - Co. Meath. Clogarán clearach, applied de- risively to a person, as "You are only a clogarán clearach" - Co. Meath. Cuniach, a grub supposed to sting cattle Crúiscín, I heard this applied usually to a broken vessel - an old mug, or jug, or the like Codger, applied to a child, as "Run away, you little codger" - Co. Meath. Cealldrach, a foolish person - Co. Louth. Dulc, a blow of a cow's horn - Co Meath. Duinc, a blow of a cow's horn - Louth.
Dealg, a thorn, as "The boy got a dealg of a thorn in his foot" - Co. Meath. Dalk (pron. dauk), a thorn; used in Dunshaughlin - Co. Meath. Droighneán donn, the black- thorn - Co. Meath. Geirrseach, a girl - Co. Meath. Garsun, a little boy - Co. Louth. Gasún (pron. gosoon), a little boy - Co. Meath. Gearrán, a useless kind of horse, as "He is a dirty gearrán." (In Omeath gearrán means a horse) - Co. Meath. Guirtín, a little field - Co. Meath. Geatín, a little gate - Co. Meath. Gam (cam), a foolish fellow - Co. Meath. Galar cam, a disease in cattle to which they are liable after a wet night - Co. Meath. Fear-a'-tighe, man of the house - Co. Meath. Fág a' bhealach, leave the way - Co. Meath. Lán an mhála, an abundance, plenty - Co. Meath. Maiseadh, pronounced musha, as "Musha, if he does, what matter?" Maol, a hornless cow; also ap- plied to a bank or ditch with no bushes or trees growing on it - Co. Meath. Maoilín, a maol cow - Co. Meath. Mo mhúirnín (pron. often voor- neen), my darling - Co. Meath. Muc, used to hunt a pig, as "Muc out of that" - Co. Meath. Púca, the pooka - Co. Meath. Caise púca, a peculiar kind of yellow mushroom, often called "the pooka's mushroom" - Co. Meath. Ráimeis, high-sounding, non- sensical talk - Co. Meath. Rógarach, as "the rógarach moon," that is, the middle harvest moon - Co. Meath. Spág, a foot, as "Take your spágs out of that" - Co. Meath. Spailpín, a labourer of the tramp type - Co. Meath. Seoinín, a contemptible person - Co. Meath. Seachrán, astray or "on the spree," as "He is on the seachrán this week" - Co. Meath. Pistreog or piseog, fairy cures or omens, witchcraft - Co. Meath. Scrath, a green sod off the field - Co. Meath. Ciotán, left-handed - Co. Meath. Ciotach, left-handed - Co. Louth. Tuireadh, a crying, as "What is the tuireadh about now?" - Co. Meath. Trí n-a cheile, mixed up every way - Co. Meath. Thug tú d'éitheach, you lied - Co. Meath. Tráithnín, a blade of grass - Co. Meath. Bí do thost, be silent - Co. Meath. Bacach, lame or a cripple, as "a bockey foot" - i.e., a reel foot - Co. Meath. Bóithrín, an old, small bye-road - Co. Meath. Cliabh, a basket - Co. Meath. Cliabhaire, a dealer in fowl, pro- baly so called because he carries his fowl in baskets - Co. Meath. Cincíseach, one born in Whit Week - Co. Louth. Cuiseog, a stem of grass - Co. Louth Clochán, a ford - Co. Louth. Bradach, a thief, a roguish cow - Co. Louth. Brosna, sticks for fuel - Co. Meath. Piteog or spiteog, a wastrel - Co. Louth. Prasgán, a rough apron - Co. Meath. An deor, the drop - Co. Meath. Rasaidhe, a strumpet - Co. Meath. Peilleach or peillich, a basket (oval shape for holding pota- toes, beans, &c.). - Co. Louth (southern part). Brámais, bragging or boast- ing - Co. Louth (southern part). Bládhmann, bragging or boast- ing - Co. Louth (southern part). Bodach, an upstart - Co. Louth. Crainneog, an island in a lake surrounded by stakes - Co. Louth. Amach go bráth with him, off with him - Co. Louth. Clútóg, gift of Easter eggs - Co. Meath. Alt, a deep water-course on a mountain-side - Co. Louth. Dallán, blind-man's buff - Co. Louth. Dona, sickly, poorly. (In Co. Meath it is pronounced donie) - Co. Louth. Uisge-beatha, whiskey - Co. Louth. Cliabhán, wicker-work for catching birds - Co. Louth. Cléibhín, wicker-work for catching birds - Co. Louth. Pluc, cheek, as "A plucky fel- low," "if he had pluck" - Co. Meath. Bí críonna, take care, be cautious Measgán (of butter), a small wooden tub - Co. Louth. Scrios, a miserable fellow, as "a scrios of a fellow" - Co. Meath. Glasán, a fish - Co. Louth (Black- rock, Dundalk). Sgadán, a herring - Co. Louth (Black- rock, Dundalk.
Cró, a pig-house, as "pig-cró" - Co. Louth. Sliseog, a mussel - Co. Louth. Céilidh, a visit - Co. Meath. Dúidín, a pipe - Co. Meath. Duileasg, edible sea-weed - Co. Louth. Slabhagán, sloak - Co. Louth. Dreis, a turn or spell, as "a dreis of crying" - Co. Louth. Comhluadar, to chat together, to concert - Co. Meath. Cogar, to whisper - Co. Meath. Sop, a wisp, as "a sop of hay" - Louth. Roitleán, a spinning wheel - Co. Louth. A chara, my friend, as "Come here, a chor" - Co. Louth. Gríosach, burning embers - Co. Louth. Cutach bob-tailed, from cut - Co. Louth. Gobha, a blacksmith. In Louth the members of a blacksmith's family are called "góbha," as "Parra a' ghobha," "Máire a' ghobha," &c. - Co. Louth. Airgead síos, ready cash - Co. Louth. Ponta, a pound - Co. Louth. Te, hot - mothers often say to children who are near a boiling pot or the fire, "té té, it'll burn you." - Co. Louth. Caoine, a cry for the dead. The word is used, but I never saw the thing going on - Co. Meath. Ceis, a hamper, a ceis of apples - Co. Meath. Copóg, the dock-leaf - Co. Meath. Capóg, a fool, a useless fellow, as, "You capóg" - Co. Louth. Cárr, twist, turn, screw, as "He put a cárr on his face"; "He was cárr-ing at me" - Co. Meath. Saiseán, bog-reed flaggers - Co. Louth. Cailleach, an old hag - Co. Louth. A buaidh (pron. aboo), hurrah for - Co. Meath. Meas, respect, regard (I put no "mess" on him) - Co. Louth, Drogh- eda District. Pus, lip. "He has a big pus" - Co. Meath. Gruagach (pron. grōga), used around village of Louth to mean a clever or tricky fellow. Straoil (noun), a slut, a slattern - Co. Meath. Straoil (verb), to drag along (Don't streel the hay about) - Co. Meath. Súgán, a hay rope - Co. Meath. Suim, respect or regard (I put no suim on him) - Co. Louth. Sconsa (sconce), old rush-light holder - Co. Meath. Carsán, an asthmatic trouble (He has a carsán and wheez- ing) - Co. Louth. Gíog, a squeak (There wasn't a gíog out of him Curach, a small boat, so-called on the Boyne at Oldbridge, for salmon fishing (a) Buailim ort, (b) Leigim leat - When picking a match (foot- ball or caman) one captain (a) challenges buailim ort, the other (b) replies, leigim leat; (a) has first pick Báire (game or goal). The side gaining a goal shouts "báire," and cheers - Co. Louth. Currach, a marsh or bog - Louth Town. Sudóg of bread, a cake - Co. Louth. Mónóg, heath berries - Co. Louth. Pigin, a small wooden vessel - Co. Louth. Pillín, old style of pack saddle - Co. Louth. Poc, a blow (Gave him a puck. The puck out, hurling) - Co. Meath. Póg, a kiss - Co. Meath Poicín, púicín, a stout, conse- quential little man - Co. Meath. Póiríní, small potatoes - Co. Meath. Praiseach (pron. prasha) a weed in corn - Co. Meath. Prainneach, it sulked or rusted (pron. praneid), it wouldn't work (It took the prainneach) - Co. Louth. Pollóg, a fish [pollock?] - Co. Louth. Putóg, a pudding - Co. Louth. Parra sásta, a "Paddy-go easy" ind of fellow - Co. Louth Sgolb, a splinter of wood - Co. Meath. Scruab, a besom - Co. Meath. Sgréach, screeching, a grinding noise, as the wheel of a cart - Co. Meath. Shooler, a loitering, gossiping person; shoolering, loitering about - Co. Louth. Seanachaidhe, a story-teller - Co. Louth. Seanachas, a chat, a friendly meeting - Co. Louth. Seanach, a greeting (he gave me a great seanach) - Co. Louth. Sgreag, poor, rocky land ("scraggy" land) - Co. Louth. Slug, a swallow or two (take a "slug" - Co. Meath. Slánlus,a herb. It is the only name about Dundalk for a certain herb. Sligeán, nose - Co. Louth. Smaois, nose (I will break your smaois) - Co. Meath. Snaig (pron. snig), snigging turnips - Co. Meath. Sparán, a purse - Co. Louth. Sprios, a miserable upstart - Dundalk. Sar, sour, contemptuous - Co. Louth. Sasanach, an Englishman - Co. Meath. Saileach, a willow - Co. Meath. Seamróg, a shamrock - Co. Meath. Sanntach, greedy (a bit sanntach) - Co. Louth. Scailp, a piece, a lump, as a scalp of bacon - Dundalk. Sgológ, a small farmer ("Parra sgológ," "Oiney sgológ," &c.) - Dundalk. Sgeap, a bee-hive, as a sgeap of bees - Co. Meath. A leanbh mo chroidhe, child of my heart - Co. Meath. Glagar, a talkative person - Co. Meath. Heaspín, descriptive of a small person (he is only a little hasbeen of a fellow) - Co. Meath. Mairtín, a fat person (he is a big mairtín of a man) - Co. Meath.
Mar 'dh eadh, an expression of doubt (He'll do what you say, mardheadh) - Co. Meath. Prog, to call a cow, as "prug- prug" - Co. Meath. Seatacán, a disease of a rheu- matic nature amongst cattle - Co. Meath. Sprig or sprug, little pieces of rotten brambles suitable for fuel - Co. Meath. Tálóg, a stiffness of the wrist caused by using a reaping- hook - Co. Meath. Teiris, to a cow to stand quiet, as "teiris, a chuisle," "teiris pruggie" - Co. Meath. Glúrac, glúraic (pl.), a numb- ness of the fingers from cold, as "the glúracs are in my fingers" - Co. Meath. Troighthín, an old torn stocking (a pair of "troighthín-s") - Co. Meath.
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