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1600 - 1926
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O Flandachain laomhdha alámh.
O Flandachain laomhdha alámh.
Pléimeann, Seán (Fleming, John)
Composition Date
Connradh na Gaedhilge
Comhad TEI
Comhad ePub
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O Flandachain laomhdha alámh, Air Cínel arga iomlán, Do shiol Taidhg mic céin críonda, O Airdlic Féil Oilella. I Muigh Lacha na learg te O Faoláin, feardha an fíne; Mór an dúthaigh as díol dáibh Do lín futha O Faolain. Doicheall, a grudging churlishness, amounting to an aversion: Docúl is the term in the old copy; written dochamhal, a difficulty, in Coneys' Dict. The verb do thabhairt is applicable to diultadh only: tagairt was interpolated. Paragraph 2. Coca, pl. cocaidhe, a cock of straw or hay: it is translated a boat, a cockle, in dicts. Tairsin = tairseach, a threshold, not in dicts. Fleaslgach in the modern copies makes no sense: fleaghach, festive, in the old copy. Fíor-chaoin fáilte, a truly gentle welcome; it is very unusual in Irish to place the adj. before the noun. Paragraph 3. Mínleach, green pasture. This word was very common in northern compositions of a century ago: it is almost unknown in Munster. Paragraph 4. Lóta or lotán, a soft mass of anything. Leith-uisge. - According to Mr. Stanton, this is a mix- ture of milk and water; in Waterford this mixture is anglais or eanglais, which is found in a little lower. Mórnán, "a small wooden dish or drinking vessel" (O'Reilly). Práipín, a mixture of oatmeal and cold milk: same as pracás, or nearly so;. Bodaig bhoga an phrácáis. Paragraph 5. Cis, a pannier or other large basket. Not in O'Reilly, who has ciséin in its stead. Prachán, not in any dictionary; probably preabán,a patch. Suidhiste, in Waterford, is a seat made of matted or twisted straw, and called a boss. Ponaire, beans; pronounced poorch. Iarbhais or iairbhis (not in dict.), wealth, property. Tigh iairbhiseach, a well-furnished house. Paragraph 6. Feadháille, a whistling (Coneys). He has the verb fead, inf. feadgháil, to whistle. This latter word is also, of course, the participle, and from this the gen., in Munster, is feadghala, which most probably is what Donnchad wrote. Criostoir, Christopher, in Waterford, a fretful, iras- cible person, is also called Crosdóir; Donnchadh probably played upon this name, as on all the others. Guagán, little guaig, or giddy-head; same guaigín. Breillín = breallán, a fool. Faicín, from faice, s stitch, a tatter. Séideánach, puffing, blowing. Strange that a word so common should not be in any dictionary: séideán, a puffing, is in O'Don. App. Sraimín, from sramach, blear-eyed. Sgigín, from sgige, a jibing, a jeering.
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