Na Comórtais Liteardha, Uimhir 3. An áit in a bhfuil na focla d'á labhairt.
Go leór, enough, galore - Baile Ceatharlach.
Go h-aerach, busily, lustily - Baile Ceatharlach.
Gub, a lip - Baile Ceatharlach.
Gíog, a breath, a squeak - Baile Ceatharlach.
Goimbín, a little piece of tobacco - In and round Carlow.
Garsún, a boy - In and round Carlow.
Gearran, an old horse, an unkind
person - Baile Ceatharlach.
Luipreachán, a pigmy, a small
fellow - Baile Ceatharlach.
Lúdarnach, a person having a
shambling walk - Baile Ceatharlach.
Liúdaidhe, a foolish person - Baile Ceatharlach.
Liodar, a sidelong walk - Baile Ceatharlach.
Loch, a pool of water left by rain,
a lake - Baile Ceatharlach.
Móg, a shaggy-looking person - Baile Ceatharlach.
Móigín, a shaggy-looking person - Baile Ceatharlach.
Móidín, a slippery, sly person - Baile Ceatharlach.
Mobhdán, a child who is con-
stantly bawling - Baile Ceatharlach.
Múilleach, dirty water - Baile Ceatharlach.
Muda-mada, a stammerer - Baile Ceatharlach.
Máilín, a little grain - Baile Ceatharlach.
Madradh, a noisy child - Baile Ceatharlach.
Méirin, a boundary ditch, di-
viding two farms - Clonbulloge, King's
Misneach, nourishment, goodness - Baile Ceatharlach.
Nádúrach, queer-looking - Baile Ceatharlach.
Óinseach, a foolish person - In and round Car-
low Town.
Páidín, little Pat - Gazebo, Queen's Co.
Palltóg, a blow, a thump - Baile Ceatharlach.
Púca, a "pooka" - Baile Ceatharlach.
Pucán, a he-goat - Baile Ceatharlach.
Pus, a lip - Baile Ceatharlach.
Pustacán, an impudent-looking
person - Baile Ceatharlach.
Puisín, a little cat - Baile Ceatharlach.
Praiseach, wild mustard - In and round Car-
Práiscín, a coarse apron - In and round Car-
Prógar, a poker - In and round Car-
Pluc, a cheek - In and round Car-
Pisreog, anything connected
with sorcery - In and round Car-
Raimseoig, a person who rambles
in his talk - Baile Ceatharlach.
Ránaidhe, thin - Baile Ceatharlach.
Rásaidhe, a person who rambles about - Baile Ceatharlach.
Soc, a ploughshare, a sock - In and round Car-
Seach, a smoke - In and round Car-
Seachrán, astray - Baile Ceatharlach.
Seanchus, a story-teller, a tattler - Baile Ceatharlach.
Seoinín, a "shoneen," a mean
person - Baile Ceatharlach.
Silteach, weak-looking, queer-
looking - Baile Ceatharlach.
Stollacha-púca, a common snail - Baile Ceatharlach.
Súgán, a hay or straw rope - In and round Car-
Súgan, a horse-collar - Seems to be used in
the parts of Co.
Kilkenny border-
ing Carlow.
Súm, to drink slowly - Baile Ceatharlach.
Suiste, a big, awkward-looking
fellow - Baile Ceatharlach.
Sgolb, a stick used in thatching,
a sgollop - Baile Ceatharlach.
Sgilleid, a skillet, a little pot - Baile Ceatharlach.
Sgílleog, a piece of anything - Baile Ceatharlach.
Sgeach, a whitethorn bush - In and round Car-
Sgeilp, a swinging blow with a
stick or hand - In and round Car-
Sgrath, the skin of a bog used in
thatching - Clonbullogue, Co.
an Ríogh.
Sgráb, a scrape, a scratch - In and round Car-
Sgrub, a coarse brush - In and round Car-
Slab, a big, soft-looking person - In and round Car-
Sláinte, health - Baile Ceatharlach.
Slug, a gulp, a big drink - Baile Ceatharlach.
Sláimín, a dirty person - Baile Ceatharlach.
Slap, a dirty person - Baile Ceatharlach.
Slat, a board running along the
side of a common car - Baile Ceatharlach.
Smaidear, a blow with the fist - Baile Ceatharlach.
Smidirín, little bits, as "It was
broken into 'smithereens'" - Baile Ceatharlach.
Smot, a person having a cocked
nose - In and round Car-
Smug, a person with a cocked
nose - Baile Ceatharlach.
Smus, a discontented look - Baile Ceatharlach.
Smulachán, a surly person - Baile Ceatharlach.
Spág, a long, ugly foot - In and round Car-
Spál, a small, rugged stone - In and round Car-
Spáilpín, a labourer, a mean
fellow - In and round Car-
Srathán, a roar, a cry - Baile Ceatharlach.
Sráimín, small pieces of matter
standing in the corners of the
eyes, generally after rising in
the mornings - Baile Ceatharlach.
Srumachán, a big, fat baby - Carlow and Bagnals-
town, Co. Carlow.
Stobhrach, a big woman - Baile Ceatharlach.
Streoilín, the end-board of a
car - Tura, Queen's Co.
Stróinseach, a tall, thin person - Baile Ceatharlach.
Straoil, a sloven - Baile Ceatharlach.
Stuc, a pile of sheaves of corn - In an round Car-
Stúc, a booby - Baile Ceatharlach.
Stúcán, a booby - Baile Ceatharlach.
Stucach, gruff, boorish - Baile Ceatharlach.
Sturc, an impudent fellow - Baile Ceatharlach.
Snas, respectability, grandeur - Baile Ceatharlach.
Taoibhín, a little piece put on the
side of a boot - Baile Ceatharlach.
Talmátach, having a bad taste,
mawkish - Baile Ceatharlach.
Toicín, a girl about 15 years old - Baile Ceatharlach.
Toiclín, a little girl - Baile Ceatharlach.
Tráithnín, a blade of grass, a
"thraneen" - In an round Car-
An Duilleacán.
C. - Caoin, to cry - Baile Ceatharlach.
F. - Fáilte, welcome - Baile Ceatharlach.
S. - Sgiollán, a small potato - Baile Ceatharlach.
Céad míle fáilte, a hundred
thousand welcomes - Baile Ceatharlach.
Creatúirín bocht, poor little
creature, thing - Baile Ceatharlach.