Do buaileadh mo ghadhar - My dog was struck
Bhí mo ghadhar dá bhualadh - My dog was struck
Bhí mo ghadhar buailte - My dog was struck
1. Do dóigheadh mo thigh = my house was burned. i.e.
(some one) burned my house (dóigheadh here is
active and transitive).
2. Bhí mo thigh da dhóghadh = my house, i.e.,
the burning was taking place at the time; i.e.,
"my house was unto its burning," i.e., "my house
was being burned" (doghadh is here a verbal noun).
3. Bhí mo thigh dóighte = "my house was burned;"
i.e., "my house was in a burned state."
1. Go goidheadh. There we have the act itself standing
2. Do goideadh mo sgian. There we have the act
coming down upon its object.
3. Bhí mo sgian da goid. There we have the object
receiving the act.
4. Bhí mo sgian goidthe. There we have the state of
the object after the act.
"Tá mo ghadhar
dá bhualadh."
"Do buaileadh
mo ghadhar."
Peadar Ua Laoghaire.