Historical Irish Corpus
1600 - 1926

Feis Laighean agus Midhe, 1901 - No. 3 Competition.

Feis Laighean agus Midhe, 1901 - No. 3 Competition.
Ní fios,
Laoide, Seosamh (Lloyd, Joseph H.)
Composition Date
Connradh na Gaedhilge

Search Texts

1600 1926





A chuisle - acushla - expression of endearment - Dublin
A rúin - aroon - expression of endearment - Dublin
A chara - achora - expression of endearment - Dublin
A ghrádh - agrah - expression of endearment - Dublin
A mhuirnín - avourneen - expression of endearment - Dublin
A stóir - asthore - expression of endearment - Dublin
A stóirín - asthoreen - expression of endearment - Dublin
A leanbh - alannah - expression of endearment - Dublin
A théagair - ahagur - expression of endearment - North Meath
A naoidhnean - anēēn - expression of endearment - North Meath
A nógrach - anogurah - expression of endearment [a nua-ghrádh?] - North Meath
A mhilis - aveelish - expression of endearment - North Meath
A mhic - avic - oh, son (vocative) - Dublin
An eadh - in yah - whether is it, but used like the word forsooth - Dublin
Amadán - omadhawn - fool; thick-witted fellow - Dublin
Abú - aboo - to victory; for ever - North Meath
Aingiseóir - angashore - an anchorite, a recluse; applied in Dublin to
a half-starved, miserable-looking person - Dublin
Aimididhe - omagee - silly; a half-witted person - Dublin
A chroidhe - achree - literally, oh, heart; expression of endear-
ment - Wexford
Báire leó - barlow - the goal is won; always used in game of
hurley in Dublin - Dublin
Breac - brack - a spot; "not a brack on him" - i.e., not a
mark - Dublin
Boc, nó poc - buck, or puck - he goat; also used in Dublin in playing
game of hurley. "Puck going out" - i.e.,
the first blow in the game - Dublin
Buachaill - buacall - a boy - Dublin
Bóthairín - bohereen - a lane - Generally
Beannacht leat - bannact lath - good-bye; a blessing with you - Generally
Beansidhe - banshee - a fairy woman - Everywhere
Béaltaine - belten - the first of May - Meath
Bróg - brogue - a shoe - Dublin
Bacach - boccah - lame person; a beggar - Wexford
Breasna - brusna - small branches of trees; twigs - Co. Dublin and
Balbhán - bulavawn - a dumb person, a mute; applied in Dublin
to an awkward, silly fellow - Dublin
Bac - bock - mind, or heed. Ná bac leis - Dublin and generally
Bathán - bahan - a small stick - Meath
Baitin - bothin - a small stick - Meath
Bonnóg - bannock - a cake - Meath
Bonnóg - bockstee - potatoe cake - Meath
Bardóga - baurdoges - panniers; the baskets used in putting a load
on back of an ass - Meath
Bainbhín - boneen - a young pig - Generally
Baois - bosh - folly, levity, nonsense - Dublin
Briosgach - briska - a sweet root, probable wild tansey - North Meath
Buailtín - bolteen - the striker of a flail - Wexford
Bairghean breac - barn brack - a cake, more especially the currant cakes
used on Hallow-Eve - Dublin

L. 127

Buachallán - būheolan - a kind of stalk or weed with large red
flower, which grows in abundance in
fields - Meath
Bastún - bosthoon - a clown, a fool, an ignorant person - Dublin
Baitín - botheen - a stick - Wexford
Bánóg - bawnoge - a barn. [Perhaps there is confusion with
bawn, badhún, here.] - Wexford
Bodhar - bodhar - deafen - Dublin and Wexford
Buidhe mór - bweemore - the "rag-weed" - Wexford
Bacaididhe? - bockedy - possibly a form of bacach or bacadh, or
bacaidheacht. Locally applied to a person
or thing crooked, lame, or twisted - Dublin
Beathán? - bahan - not a morsel; "bahan the bit," not a bit - North Meath

Creabhar - carrower - the horse-fly - Meath
Cailín - coleen - a young girl - Dublin
Cipín - kipeen - a short stick - Dublin
Cáibín - caubeen - an old hat - Dublin
Camreilige - cormerelig - crooked feet; heard occasionally in Dublin,
and pronounced cormerelig - Dublin
Caoineadh - keening - wailing - Dublin
Ceud - kade - a hundred; heard in phrase Ceud míle fáilte - Dublin
Cailleach - colleac - an old hag - Meath
Cliabh - cleeve - a basket - Generally
Cogar - cuggar - whisper - Meath
Cábóg - cawboge - a mongrel; used in Dublin as "clown"
or "fool" - Dublin
Cullóid - culloging - whispering, talking, chatting - Wexford
Ceis - kish - a basket; a hamper - Generally
Camán - common - a bent stick for hurling - Dublin
Créatuir - craytur - a creature - Generally
Clochar - clocker - a ford of small stones - North Meath
Críochán? - creehan - crumb or crumbs of turf - North Dublin
Ciotóg - kithoge - left-handed [prop. the left hand] - Dublin
Céilidh - kayley - visit; a gossiping - Generally
Croidhe - chree - heart; A chuisle mo chroidhe - Dublin
Cúramach - curamah - attentive, careful - North Meath
Cúlbáire - cool barra - something saved for a "rainy day" - North Meath
Cóta mór - cotamore - great coat - Meath
Ciste - cishger - a hoarding, a saving - Meath
Craobhóg - creeōge - a young woman; a sweetheart [perhaps
croidhe óg] - North Meath
Crúisgín - cruskeen - a little jar - Generally
Cliabhán - cleevan - a bird-trap made like a cliabh - Rush and Skerries
Cia annso - cain sho - said on entering a house; who is here? - North Meath
Clábar - clawber - filth, mire, mud - Dublin
Cuach - cook - the game of cook played by children. [The
call in this game is "cuckoo"] - Dublin
Críon cróta - creen crotha - "hungry grass" [lit. the withered thing of
the park? Cp. crota, a garden-park, O'R.,
or cróta = cruaidhte, dried, hardened] - Wexford and North
Cáitín - cauteen - a little cake. [For cáicín] - North Meath
Crúibín - crubeen - a claw; a pig's foot - Dublin
Crúibín - kinnat - a sly, tricky youth. [Eng. gnat, or if of
Irish origin, perhaps from cneacht =
cniocht] - Dublin
Clúdóg - cloodaug - an Easter gift - North Meath.
(?)khawling - a sickly person - North Meath
Cruit - crith - a harp, a hump. Heard in Dublin, com-
monly pronounced as "creek" - Dublin
Clochán - cluckawn - a stone - Wexford
Crúisíneacht - croosheening - whispering. [Cp. cruisigh, music, song,
O'R.?] - Wexford
Cruistin - cruistin - throwing - Wexford
Cnapán - knapawn - a hillock - Wexford

L. 128

Colapán - colopán - handle of a flail - Meath
Coltar - colter - the coulter of a plough - everywhere
Ciaróg - keeróg - a clock, a chafer, a beetle - Leinster generally
Ceannbhán - canavawn - bog-flax - Wexford
Carraideach - caroosed? - vexed, troubled, [Caroosed is rather from
carbhus, a bout of intemperance] - Wexford
Clú mór - cloomore - great fame - Wexford
Camóg - camoge - farthing; probably cuineog, O'R - Wexford
Cuineach - cuinach - friendly - Wexford
Corríasg - curchees or cut-
chees - herons - Wexford
Corruisge - curchees or cut-
chees - herons - Wexford
Cimíní - kimmeens - tricks - Wexford
Cuileóg - clag - the clag-fly, the gad-fly - Fingal

Dúidín - dujeen - old pipe - Leinster generally
Deoch an dorais - dhuck an dorish - drink at the door - i.e., parting drink -
Dublin occasionally
and prov. generally
Dúideóg - dūdoge - a box in the ear. [Dúdóg, O'R.] - Fingal
Dona - dawna - used in North Meath generally: "I'm very
dawna" - i.e., very unwell - North Meath
Dimmers - damaged potatoes - Meath
Dor - dhur - blow. [Perhaps dorn, or dorr, O'R] - Dublin
Dailtín - daltheen - puppy - Wexford
Dísgighthe - deeshy - small - Dublin
Dubhacháin - dhokawns - elder pipes or stalks - Wexford
Druimfhionna - drimins - cows - Wexford
Deóirín - dhoreen - drop - Wexford
Dealg - dalk - a thorn; "I've got a dalk in my finger" - Dublin

Earrais - errish - hay-rope, probably form earrusaid, a
wrapper - North Meath
Eist - whisht - be silent, listen. [There is a word foist =
hush, be silent, occurring in an old
Ossianic poem preserved in Donegal] - Dublin

Faicín - fackeen - an upstart - Dublin
Fear óg - faroge - a young man - Wexford
Failleóg - fallyoge - gristle, hard meat, from faill, a kernel,
hard lump of flesh, O'R. - Wexford
Fáilte - failtha - welcome; frequently heard in phrase Céad
míle fáilte - Dublin
Feistealach - festalagh - nonsense - Wexford
Foidín - fadheen - a little farm - North Meath
Feur gorta - fogurtha - "hungry grass," portions of the country in
crossing which the traveller is supposed
to suffer severely from hunger - North Meath
Fuil-le-luadh - fwill alloo - "bloody wars" - Province Generally
Féis - fayshe - feast. [It is interesting to meet this as a
colloquial word] - Wexford
Feac - fak - a turf or potato spade - Carlow
Flaitheamhuil - flawhool - generous; literally princely - Dublin
Féiseóg - fayshogue - a nap, a short sleep. [From Mid. Ir. feis,
a sleep, sleeping] - Wexford

Go leór - galore - in abundance - Dublin
Garsún - gorsoon - a young boy - Dublin
Geirrseach - gersha - a young girl - Dublin
Gearrán - garrun - an old broken-winded horse - Meath
gawm - a fool, a silly person - Dublin
Gailleóg - gallóge - a drop; a drink of liquor - Dublin
Gaimbín - gombeen - a money-lender - Generally
Gab - gab - talk, chatter; the mouth, a beak - Dublin
Galar cam - gorly com - cattle disease - North Meath
Gar seang? - gustang - a cabbage-stalk - North Meath
Gaster - gostering - prating, talking idly - Dublin
gregg - to excite desire - Dublin
Giostaire - gishterra - a jester; a prater; an 'old-fashioned"
child - North Meath
Gríseach - greesha - ashes, dust, earth - Meath

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