Historical Irish Corpus
1600 - 1926

A List of New Words not found in O'Reilly's Dictionary.

A List of New Words not found in O'Reilly's Dictionary.
Féach bailitheoir,
Laoide, Seosamh (Lloyd, Joseph H.)
O'Leary, Patrick
Composition Date
Connradh na Gaedhilge

Search Texts

1600 1926


Aontughas or aontuigheas (s. m,), rest from tillage;
cionnus bheidheadh an pháirc sin go maith agus nach fuair
sí aon aontuigheas?

Áitighim (v.), I contradict, to gainsay, to endeavour to
persuade one of being wrong or inaccurate; d'áitigh
sé orm nach raibh sé ann.

Aincéallta (adj.), irascible, having no humour or being
incapable of tolerating it in those who have.

Aguisín (s.m.), an addition.

Ainfheiste (s. m.), a sorry plight.

Anagar (s. m.), corruption, corrupt matter.

Bríci: chuireas-sa mo bhríci dhíom i na thaoibh, I did
my duty - what was required of me - towards him
(= díthchioll or dualgas).

Biorach (s. m.), reed; (adj.) sharp, pointed; srón
bhiorach, aghaidh bhiorach, a Celtic face.

Breac-thirm (adj.) somewhat dry.

Breac-fhliuch (adj.) somewhat wet, damp, moist.

Breacaire, a pointed little hammer for making the
little holes or hollows in a quern-stone; breacadh,
the act of making these little holes; also to print,
as ag breacadh an pháipéir.

Bloghtaracha (pl.), shreds, (Cf. blogh, a fragment, and
blodhaim, I break into pieces.)

Bréagnach (s. m.) a toy, a doll, a child's plaything.

Búirthígeach (s.) a roaring fire, a blaze; also béilthigheach,
léistígheach, and lódáil.

Briadaireacht (s. f.), ease; déan sain ar do bhriad-

Breaghaid (pr. bir-eowid) : de bhreaghaid an lae, for this
day only.

Brácáil (s. f.), croaking, cawing, making a coarse
noise : bhí an fiach dubh ag brácáil os a chionn.

Blob (s. m.), a fragment, something loose, something
that one could find fault with : is deacair aon bhlob
d'fághbháil ort-sa.

Béal-sgaoileacht (s. f.), garrulity, letting one's secrets
leak out; béal-sgaoileach, garrulous, talking careless.

Brothán (s. m.), a scab, any rough, uneven surface.

Bántéigh (s. f.), a storm, a tempest, a white tempestu-
ous sea : tá bántéigh ag dul ar bhán ghlas aniumh.

Ceannfhinne (s. f.), a white spot in the face or in the

Cúinse (s.m.), a trick, a stratagem: tá cúinse agam-
sa chun teacht suas leat.

Claochnughadh (s. m.), declining : bhí an ghrian ag claoch-
nughadh; growing late, bhí an tráthnóna ag claoch-

Calafat or callafat (s. m.), bustle, confusion.

Cuais (s. f.), sorrow: mo chuais chruaidh mar chonnac
riamh thu.

Cathughadh (s. m.), sorrow for the loss of anything : atá
cúmha agus cathughadh ag criathairt mo chroidhe agus mo chléibh.

Criocar (s. m.), a cricket.

Calam (s. m.), a calm at sea, also calmáil.

Cabaránta, talkative, loquacious, shrewd.

Codlatánach (s. m.), a sleeper.

Cuileáil (s.f.), appropriating another's money or goods
to one's own use, embezzlement, ag cuileáil an
airgid; cuileálaim, I embezzle.

Corairiocht (s.f.), slyness, craftiness, mean trickishness.

Druineach or drunach, long and hooked, aquiline, srón
dhruineach from drún (s. m.), a bend, a stoop, a hump.

Donacht (s. f.), badness.

Dortaim (v.), I fade in colour : b' éagconnta an dath
é sin nó gur dhoirt sé.

Doic (s. f.), difficulty, effort : bhí doic air ag a dhéanamh.

Draibhlais (s. f.), dregs, lees, refuse [also drabhaoigheal
(s. m.)].

Díonadóireacht (s. f.), thatching.

Deilg-fhiocadh (s. m.), boiling hot.

Do-thuigsint (s.f.) ill-breeding, bad manners, rudeness.

Dubhluacradh (s.m.), storm, tempest, the winter season.

Deisiúrach (adj.), snug, tidy.

Deiliúsach (adj.), impudent, unmannerly.

Eiricídeach (s. m.), a lean person.

Foirbhthe (adj.), mature, hard, wiry : féasóg fhoirbhthe.

Fiannach (adj.), old, ancient : fearín foirbhthe fiannach.

Fad-éileach (adj.), allowing a debt to remain for a long
time without demanding payment.

Fámaire or fáiméadach (s.m.), a stout, strong, rude

Giobús (s.m.), a shred, a fragment : do shroich giobús
de mise.

Gead (s.f.), a white spot in the centre of the forehead
of a horse, cow, & c.

Gob-fhinne (s.f.), a white little streak though the nose.

Gánáil (s. f.), huxtering, hawking.

Gogullach (s.m.), prattling, loud, unintelligible lan-

Gutháil (s. f.), drowning another's voice by making
noise; gutháilim, I drown another's voice, I speak
loud and rude to a person.

Giurnáil (s. f.), troubled dreaming, moving about in a
state of confusion.

Glimideach (adj.), wizened.

Greanncughadh (s. m.), breaking (said of a churn when
the butter is beginning to be formed).

Leathan-teangthaighe (s.f.), inarticulateness (in one's

Léas (s.m.), the horizon.

Lic-láthair (s. f.), anything crushed and flattened
beneath a great weight : thuit carraig air agus do ghein
sé lic-láthair de.

Liopa (s. m.), a foolish person, a person without energy;
also, a loose piece : liopa óinsighe, liopa feóla.

Loista (adj.), irritable, arch, fond of making mischief.

Last (s. m.), a burden, a charge; b'olc an last é sin
(German, last).

Liath-sgamallach (adj.), grey-clouded.

Leigion (s. m.), look, appearance : atá leigion mná
maithe uirri.

Meathaire (s.), anything small and mean-looking; a
small fire.

Meathaireacht (s. f.), fading away, wasting : bhí sé ag
gearán 's a meathaireacht.

Mínseach (s.f.), a she-goat.

Mí-iompair (adj.), ill-behaved.

Mineán : mise do mhineán duit, I am your match

Mí-mhian (s.), uneasiness, restlessness: táid na ba i
mí-mhian leis an ocrus.

L. 108

Mí-choímheasach (adj.), irascible, irritable, quick in
quarrel [coimheas, coolness of affection (O'R. & Sh.)].

Meidirisg (s.f.), medley, confusion.

Oirearaic (adj.), sweet scented (said of hay) [O'R. has
oirear, pleasant].

Pioscart (s.m.), anything small and elf-like.

Pollóg (s.f.), anything stout and nice : pollóg de
chailin deas.

Pas : tá sé pas bán, dubh, tirm, fliuch, agus c., somewhat
white, black, dry, wet, agus c. (French pas, a step, a trace).

Píocáil (s.f.), peeping.

Piardamhail, restless, painful.

Ranna (s.m.), the piece of leather around the edge of
a shoe and on which the sole rests (German rand,
edge, margin).

Spéiriot, spades (cards).

Stríollaim (v.), to loosen : cuir snadhm ar do shnáth nó
stríollfaidh sé (Proverb).

Sgeamhairdeach (s.m.), a tall, fleet-footed gormandiser.

Sguimh-iongan (s.f.), peeling of the flesh around the

Sgriodach (s.m.), calling aloud, screaming.

Sith-córa (s.f. or m.), a whirlwind.

Sail-chnis (s.f.), dandriff.

Spide (s.m.), increase of weight or flesh; ná marbh
an chaora go ceann mí[osa] d'fheuchaint an dtioc-
fadh aon spide uirri (O'R. has spid, life, motion).

Slatra (s.m.), bustling haste : tháinic se chugam ar

Sleamhach : ag tuitim ar do shleamhach, falling through
weariness, exhaustion, or disease.

Soghdáil (s.f.) feeling with the hand.

Sgruig (s.f.), a long, slender neck.

Sudóg (s.f.), a low, stout, lazy person (O'R. has sudóg,
a cake).

Sclaimh (s. f.), a hungry or famished look, a ravenous

Saoráid (s. f.), ease; saoráideach, easy.

Sgothaire (s. m.), a gormandiser.

Sgothaireacht (s. f.), gormandising.

Speóg (s.f.), a small, thin rush dipped in tallow to
serve instead of candles, agus c.

Snáthmhar : olann snáthmhar, fine long wool fit for making
long and durable thread.

Spaidíol or spaidíoghal (s.m.), bad meat, carrion.

Socard (s.m.), fixed place of abode : cá bhfuilir chun

Sgoth-chéis (s.f.), a pig just before being put up to fatten.

Troich (s.), clubs (cards).

Trácht (s.), the sole of the foot.

Tosa (s.m.), the sole of a shoe.

Tabhartha (adj.), illegitimate : leanbh tabhartha.

Taisriughadh (s. m.) dampness.

Uisin (s.f.), the temple (of the head).

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