Feis Laighean agus Midhe.
Comórtas 3.
These words are in use in English in the Baronies
of Castlerahan and Crossrea in County Cavan; also
in Meath, and a few are in use in Dublin.
Plúirín Sneachta.
Ainsgian - a scheming, mischievous person;
a harum-scarum.
Arcán - a little fellow.
álainn fá choll - an herb; beauty under hazel.
éadan dána - bold face.
a rad duit - good need.
abás - a sneaking person.
Aighear (= oighear) - irritation on the hands caused by
rough wind.
Amharsa damharsa (?) do you hear?
Blodhóg - a lump, as of bread.
Bocaidhe - a ghost.
Botán - a small bundle of straw.
Bárrdóga - creels hung each side of an ass for
carrying turf, &c.
Butharlán - a weed. (ragweed?)
Budóg - a famer.
Brathal - an untidy person.
Bratóg - a rag.
Brioscán - a weed.
Brosna - small sticks.
Bóilcín (= buailtín) - part of a flail
Meigeilín - the joining of a flail
cáibín - the cap of a flail
Búcla mo ghlúine - a strap worn round the knees.
Bodach - a lazy fellow, an ignorant good-
for nothing,
Buillín - a loaf.
Beannacht - you beat all.
Bocán - part of a hinge for a door.
Bolgán - a little fat fellow.
Bothán - a cowhouse, a little house
Bodhran - a deaf person
Bodharta (pron. boorotie) - bothered (meaning deaf)
Ba mhór an sgéil - it was a pity.
Basóg - a seat.
Bogóg - a soft egg.
Balbhán - a dummy.
Buachaill Bréige - a beggar dressed in straw at a
Bastún - a seat.
Bastún - a clumsy fellow (Dublin)
Brachán - a sort of thin stirabout.
Bréag - to boast, to lie.
Bunnóg - a cake of oat-bread.
Bochtán - a poor person.
Bochtáinín - a poor person (Dublin).
Barróg - tow.
Bealóg - an open space.
Bradach - roguish - a bradach cow.
Clab - a big mouth.
Coiseóg - a hollow tube of oats.
Cliabh - a basket.
Criocaid - a cricket.
Cruit - a hump on the back.
Cnaipín (pron. croppeen) - a qr. lb.
Ciseán - a hen's nest hung up with straw
Cruadhán, cruadhóg - a hard lump.
Cortha - a contrary fellow.
Céilidh - a visit.
Cadach - a rambler.
Céilidhtheoir - one who céilidh's.
Clábar - mud.
Cárr - a grin; a twisted mouth.
Cambar - a bend.
Ciotach - left-handed, awkward.
Crosda - cross.
Craig - a hard, sharp, little fellow.
Críol - a kind of basket.
Cearc fhraoigh - a heather hen.
Caipín - a flail-string.
Calain, cailin - a crying child.
Craif - a knowing person.
Crúbóg - an awkward person.
Camóg - a wet field.
Clibíní - little lumps.
Cártán - irritation in the feet.
Cuideog - a lump: a big piece of bread.
Cumas - pretending.
Cnagach - knotty.
Crabhóg - sediment.
Clúideóg - An Easter Egg - the children go
from house to house gathering
Cruachán - a heap; good measure.
Crúibín - pig's foot.
Cliaráin - crooked feet.
Crúb - a paw; an awkward foot.
Céathramha caorach - a weed; sheep's quarter.
Ceathramha na cloice - a quarter stone.
Cleamhnaidhthe - friends through marriage.
Crúiscín - a jug.
Cruimidhe - crooked.
Críonna - wise.
Cuma go Dia - no great thing.
Crúbach - club-footed.
Creamaire - a crying, mean person.
Cráin - an old woman.
Cailleach ruadh - a tiny fish.
Casnáir - for credit's sake.
Coimeadair - charm.
Calca - a little hole.
Caoircín - a knot on the top of the head,
said of lump of feathers on a duck's head.
Carant - chorus of song.
Cialóg - bog lark.
Cuildreog - bog-lark.
Ceoileán - a little good-for-nothing.
Dúdóg - a horn.
Dúthracht - something given over the measure.
Drainnín - a little song.
Doirníní - part of a scythe (the handles).
Dromán - part of harness.
Dranndán - a little song.
Droch-rath ort - bad luck to you.
Donas - the mischief. Isn't he the donas?
(heard in Dublin).
Donaidhe - delicate.
Dubhthach - a bad turn; he had dubhthach in him.
Easair - a bundle of sheaves of oats laid
down for threshing.
Easóg - a weasel.
Eascoin - an eel.
Eirclín - a sickly child.
Eascad (iosgad?) - arm.
Éist do bhéal - hold your tongue.
Faiglín - a weak fellow.
Fasaidheacht - grazing cattle on a field, part of
which is tilled.
Fallsa - lazy.
Foraoir géar - for grief.
Fear gorta - I met the fear gorta, said when a person
is very hungry.
Flathaidhe - generous.
Fusóg - a womanish fellow.
Fústaire - an unhandy person.
Flaitheamhlach - generous.
Flathaire - kind, plentiful.
Fúataire - a flusterer.
Féasna - insect in mean or hay.
Faonóg - plenty.
Faoileóg - bog-lark.
Fód seachráin - The stray sod, said if persons
walk on it they lose their way.
Faidín - an ash fire.
Fústair - to fuss about; awkward.
Frioc - row.
Fallsóir - a deceiver.
Grapán - a grape, a forked instrument.
Giolla - a herd-boy.
Glugaire - a fool.
Gráinne - a man dressed in straw at a
wedding who comes uninvited
to get drink.
Gráineog - a hedgehog.
Glifín na gcloch - a herb.
Galach - wet, heavy land.
Gabhar - a goat.
Gabhlóg - a forky branch.
Gobán - a little basket put on calves.
Goguille - a half fool.
Giostaire - a little old man.
Gortach - mean; stingy.
Geanncánach - fairy (the leipreachán.)
Gamaille - a person without sense.
Glamhaire - a greedy person.
Glamhstair - a sort of a fool.
Gearróg - a short end of a ridge (of potatoes).
Gradam, gruideog - sediment.
Grísín - a dried-up cinder.
Guilleán - a hole of dirty water.
Gríosán - pork-steak.
Graifeán - a spade.
Garlach - a vegetable.
Glám - to snatch.
Gallán gé - a game played by children by
lighting a stick and passing it
from one to another.
Glúraic (plur.) - numbness of the hands from frost.
Ghiog - a stir, he did not let a ghiog out of
Giodam - active (activity? cf. tá giodam
mór air, of Co. Clare).
Gheag - a stir, there's not a gheag in him.
Glégeal - a ghost in the form of a white
Gustóg (for gastóg) - a stalk of cabbage.
Gríosach - little, half-burnt coals.
Garlach - a little girl.
Gamhnach ruadh - a two-year old cob.
Giota beag - a little bit.
Gearróg - a short turn; they have the gear-
rog in them.
Gad - a stick for fish; a loop made of
twisted sally.
Galam i n-umhail - pretending.
Gas donn - a plant.
Go doisidhe (?) - conceited.
Go gaidheach (?) - foolish.
Cíleár - a vessel for milk.
Céis - a pass.
Cingcíseach - a child born on Whit Monday.
Cúlach Mhuire - a weed.
Cinéalta - kind.
Cipín - a little stick.
Ceasog - a young pig.
Laghach - generous (holy).
Leipreachán - a fairy.
Láidhe - a crooked spade.
Lasach - a blaze.
Losad - a box; a kind of trunk on four legs.
Loch - a lake.
Leac Liath - yellow clay.
Leicneach - a swelling on the jaw.
Lob - a nest egg.
Lúb - a stitch.
Langaid - a tying for goat's feet; also for
Liubarnach - awkward.
Lus na Laogh - an herb.
Liubar - a hanging lip.
Madóg - an instrument for whins.
Mionnán aerach - Jack snipe.
Monóg - a bog berry.
Meitheal - a gathering of men, generally to
help a neighbour with his work.
Maoilín - a cow without horns.
Maith go leor - a little bit tipsy.
Móinín - a marshy field.
(Ní Críoch).
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Dáta: 18/10/11