Munab ionann is riamh = Lit. "if not the same which
was ever before," i.e. (something) is so now, even
though it never was so before."
"Táim réidh anois munab ionann is riamh" = "I am
done for now, even though it has not been so ever
before," i.e., "even though I have escaped on all previous
occasions," i.e., "I am done for now at all events." The
phrase is quite a general mode of expressing antithesis.
"Tuigimse Gaedhilg munab ionann i é siúd" = "I
understand Irish whatever that man may do."
"Gheabhthar ar an dtalamh é murab ionann is bainne
na gamhnaighe = "It will be found on the ground -
what cannot be said of the stripper's milk."
"A duadh faghálta" = "her trouble got," i.e., "all the
trouble that was necessary for her death and burial has
been already gone to, and it is most exasperating that
she should be recovering."
"Caithiseach" = "an object of affection." I have
heard, "caithiseach í sin," = "a darling she is," addressed
to a cross cow when being milked.
"Sgoth" = "a strick of flax," which has been shaken
free from hulls; a wisp of beard. "Béal gan sgoth" =
"a wispless mouth," i.e., "a mouth which speaks with-
out the discretion which a beard should indicate."
"Sgoth" = "the pick and choice of something," hence
"béal gan sgoth," may mean " a mouth which does not
pick and choose its words," "sgoth na bhflath" = "the
flower of princes," "sgoith" is dative case.
"Mathshluagh" = "a host of nobles," or, "a noble
host or gathering."
"Corradh agus bliadhain" = "some days of weeks
or months over a year."
"Corruigheacht agus fiche bliadhain" = "some days or
weeks or months or years over twenty years."
"Comóradh" = "the bringing of the details of some-
thing up to a certain standard or level." "Fleadh do
chomóradh" = "to get up or organise a feast."
"Caoirghil mhór teineadh" = "a great blazer of a fire"
(from "caor," a blaze, and "geal," bright).
"Gréagán" = "a toy," "an ornament for the person."
"Go pioctha sgiomartha" = "Beautifully picked and
scrubbed." "Dein sgiomar air" = "give it a scrubbing."
"I gcoinnibh a gcos" = "against their grain." Lit.
"against their feet," ie., "in a direction opposed to their
natural tendencies," "Creeping, like snail, unwillingly
to school."
"Ag á mbaint de'n tsaoghal" = "taking them off the
world," i.e., "absorbing all their attention so as to
prevent them from attending to their duties in life," i.e.,
"making life miserable for them." The phrase is in
most common use.
"Ní'l am baint de'n tsaoghal acht e" = "It is my only
object of anxiety."
"Tá se am baint de'n tsaoghal" = "It is pre-occupying
me fearfully."
Peadar Ua Laoghaire.
[Gréasán = a web. - ED. G.J.]
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Dáta: 18/10/11