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Feis Laighean agus Midhe. Comórtas 3.
Feis Laighean agus Midhe. Comórtas 3.
Féach bailitheoir,
Laoide, Seosamh (Lloyd, Joseph H.)
Sliabh Fuaidh
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Connradh na Gaedhilge
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Feis Laighean agus Midhe. Comórtas 3. Irish words used in the spoken English of Farney in South Monaghan. Those underlined are, to me, doubtful; some of them may be old English. Áird - direction; point of the compass. It is pronounced with the final consonant hard, like "art." ált - the steep side of a glen. arcán, arcorán - a little pig, the worst in the litter. A term of reproach when applied to persons. Arcán is found in O'Reilly. arganach - a small multiped insect of a yellowish colour. adóg - a small stack of oats made in the field previous to bringing it into the haggard. Báisleóg - a handful of water. "Throw a báisleóg on that apron, and leave it out" = "Give it a slight washing and put it out to dry." O'Reilly has baisleach = a hand- ful of anything. But báisleóg may be báisdleóg with the d slurred in pronunciation. buimlear - a stupid fellow; generally applied as a nickname. In O'R. báinseóg - a small level piece of ground; a bunch of anything growing close and level on the top, as "a báinseóg of shamrocks," "a báinseóg of potatoes." buailteán - a part of a flail - the part that strikes the corn. brídeóg - a bride. Rarely used. botán - a bundle of straw tied up. O'R. has boiteán. brosnach or brusnach - small sticks and brambles used for firewood. O'R. has brus = small branches of trees. buinneach - a flux. Rare. In O'R. brachán - thin porridge, gruel. In O'R. bracach - pock-marked. In O'R. bamhdóir - a person noted as a busybody for making matches and bringing about marriages. Rarely used though. brigleán - a term of reproach not easy to define; a sottish, worthless person. bócán - (ó having the northern "aw" sound) = a blunt, stupid fellow. bróg - (here ó has the ō sound) = a shoe. bárrdóg - a kind of box, two of which are carried by a beast of burden, the same as panniers; but a bárrdóg is made of boards, not of wicker. banther - to compete. banthering = com- peting. A very common word. blob - a blister or vesicle on the skin; also a stain on paper; usually appied to an ink stain, perhaps from the blister-like appearance of a drop of ink on paper. "There's a blob on my copy." brí-brith - baby's food, panada. brocstaigh - same as brocach, the face marked from small-pox. bamhlán and bamhlán buidhe - the ragweed, or ragwort. O'R has bofulan buidhe. bodhan or budhan - a number of men engaged in one work. "a bone of flax" = a number of men pulling flax. This word is very probably buidhean, a host, a company, but it is not so pronounced. bráiscín - an apron. barramha - light or tail corn; "tailings." bosctaigh - bread made from potatoes grated raw. Used both as noun and adj., with bread. bánuigh - to rub very softly and gently, and with the grain: as "to baany the poor cat." brais - a stroke or two in churning: but I think the word refers to the plashing agitation of the milk caused by the stroke. They also say a "water-brash," mean- ing a vomiting of water. blámás - soft, flattering talk. báire - a goal in football. It is dying out since the introduction of the modern football, and the English terminology of "goals" and "points." breacaid - speckled, mottled. bocán - a rude kind of hinge for a gate -
baicleach - a noisy crowd, such as a lot of children. buidhe mór - a tall green plant, formerly used for dyeing of a saffron colour. O'R. has it = wild wood. bleachtóg bleachtán - a variety of the dandelion that gives out white juice on being cut or broken. bomp - a mistake. batar - a great deal. "There's a batter of stars up to-night." bás - a "dying" thing, such as a bird or beast that is sickly and appearing to die. "Oh he's a poor bás." bárán - a riddle-shaped instrument with hide bottom, used for winnowing corn. beirceadán - an icicle. Clasaigh - a trench behind the cattle in a byre for receiving the voidings. O'R. has clas = a pit, a furrow. criotóg - a fragment of turf that has broken off. O'R. has crod = a piece, a patch; the diminutive of this would be crodóg. coróg - a bundle of anything tied together. O'R. has coróg = a faggot, a bavin. crastaidhe - a big, corpulent fellow. O'R. has cras = a body, and crasgach = corpulent. cró - a sty or pighouse. collóg - to conspire, to plot, to filch away. corp - a dead body; often used instead of corpse. cathóg - a little cross-piece on the end of a spade handle, or the handle of any other implement. cutar - a slate pencil. cob - (verb and noun) a slap on the hand. "Did the master give you a cob to-day?" codaidhe - a small, diminutive fellow. cutaigh - a short, worn-out article, such as a pipe, pencil, spade, &c. cárr - a grimace, a contortion of the mouth. cuiseóg - a reed or stalk of grass. crodamhail or cradamhail - a bad, mischievous person. corc or curc - a little bunch of feathers on the crown of a bird's head. curcaidhe - having a "curc". cliabhaire - one who deals in poultry. cláirseach - a lazy woman, who is always sitting. clábar - dirt, muddled earth, mire. copóg - a dock leaf. cruibhin - a finger: no doubt from crobh = a hand, a paw (O'R.). But this word is seldom heard, except in the plural "crivvins." [For cruibhín.] collap cleip - both mean a slice or longitudinal piece of anything. cránaidhe - an insect or small animal of more than usual size. "The cat caught a great big cránaidhe of a mouse." casnáire or cosnáire - repect; anything done out of re- spect. "He put on his new coat for cosnáire." Contrary to the usual Northern system of pronunciation the accent in this word is on the second syllable. crág - a big, fat hand; also a handful. cóir - kindly, innocent, good-natured. clám - to tear or handle roughly. crothaileán - a poor, helpless person, wanting in energy and courage. corrach - rough, rugged, not stable. craig - a hard, sharp blow. ceannóg - (used with the English plural -s) = the gleanings or stray heads of corn when the harvest is cut down. Rarely used now. cailleach - an old woman. It is also applied to the corn last cut in the harvest. "We cut the cailleach to-day" = "we finished cutting the harvest." cíb - the pip, a disease in chickens. cideóg - part of a baby's garments. ciaróg - a beetle, any black insect. From ciar, dark brown. céilidh - a friendly visit to a neighbour's house. ciste - a purse of hoarded wealth. ceis - a small wooden bridge. cabar - remains or traces of dirt. "There's a cabar of stirabout round the child's mouth" (after eating). cincíseach - a person or beast born on Whit- Monday. It is believed they are unlucky (for others); are fated to kill someone. cifleóg - a careless, slovenly person; an unhandy woman. cuigeál - a name for a lazy, useless dog. Cuigeál is also some part of a spinning-wheel. croitheall - a poor, sickly-looking thing. Rare. cuirleán or curlán - the pignut; a wild edible root. See "The Tempest". cisín - a round little vessel; from cisín = a hive. cánán - anything that gets between the teeth. cat caoch - hypocrisy. copánach - a little pig taken from the sow and reared on cow's milk, which he drinks from a cup. "cailleach is gios- taire" - a game at wakes. Dallóg - any kind of covering to blindfold the eyes; a veil often put on troublesome cows. donaidhe - dona, sick, weak, ailing. dul - a loop or eye on a cord. deallán deallóg - a spark; the lighted end of a straw or fine stick. deóraidhe - a miserable-looking person or animal, probably from deórach tearful. diúbas - (verb) to suspect. (noun) a suspicion. [Q. Eng. Dubious?]
diucaigh and diuc - a name by which hens are called, and to which they answer. dlaoidheóg - a few "grains" or ears of hog straw, &c., or of hair. From dlaoi = a tress. Fútar - to work uselessly; to be engaged at some silly or idle occupation. fáisleóg - a small, low-lying, marshy plot in a bog. flabaid - a person with a fat, round, soft- looking face. fum - a kind of light red spongy, turf. fosaigh - soft and spongy. futain - three or four turf built in a certain way for drying. fúsaigh - a dish or cake hurriedly prepared, or prepared for some particular purpose. "My mother was out, and I made a fúsaigh." fasach - to feed cows in some place where they have to be herded. "I was fossaing the cows all morning." fít - a name by which ducks are called together. faerín-tickles - freckles. faerín-tickled - freckled. fad-shaoghalach - long and tedious. "He's a fad- shaoghalach creature." fánas - a little space between two of the front teeth in some persons. fearabán - the buttercup. According to O'R. fearabán = crowfoot. Feitigeán - "empty rods," hollow canes that grow along the edges of lakes, formerly used by weavers for making quills or bobbins. Gormán searcaigh - the hedge-sparrow. guisear - a old stocking. In O'R. gruig - a sour-looking, assumed face. "When I went in she put a gruig on her." O'R. has it = churlishness, a drooping look. goirrige - a dolt, a clownish person. Rarely used. In O'R. gochadh - shape, look, appearance. O'R. has gochadh = quality. gob - a mouth. grúp - clasaigh, a receptacle in a byre for the voidings. glár - dirt, mire. glug - the peculiar sound of a bottle not quite filled with a liquid when shaken. geinceánach - the "leprechaun," the little fairy cobbler. gríseach - hot ashes. gabhlóg - a stick naturally forked; a forked branch. gamhdaidhe - a slow, dull, stupid person. gatán - a great hurry. gulaidhe - cutaidhe, a worn knife, shovel, &c. gunc - a disappointment. go leór - plenty, abundance. gasun gasur - a little boy in his teens. girrseach - a little girl in her teens. gobha - a blacksmith. Used only with the person's name; "The Gobh' Woods," "The Gobh' Duffy." gráinneóg or grannóg - the hedge-hog. grabach - with the teeth gapped owing to having lost some. gairill - (used with English plural -s) = the exudation from the eyes when a person catches cold in the eyes. gradam - something that can be grasped at or got for nothing; a gift. gám - the butt for a joke. "They made a gám of him." geant - to sigh from weariness. gótán - a dolt. gámaidhe - a tall, overgrown person. gug - an egg. glathn - a retching, a vomiting. Rare. 'g iomardas - keeping up a competition with a person, especially in talk. "Don't be 'g iomardas with him" = don't be always wrang- ling with him. girrneán - complaining and murmuring. graibhe na gcloch - a big bunch of herb growing from a small root in a wall. O'R. has grafa na ccloch = stone-crop wall pepper. grán tonnóg - an aquatic plant with small leaves that cover the surface of the water. O'R. has grán lachan = lesser duckmeat, Lemma minor. lábán - a rotten egg; an egg that proves sterile in hatching. lab or lob - a great sum of money. lug - an ignorant fellow. ladhaireóg - a forked stick. leithideóg - a broad piece of anything. leanbh - a child. Used only in the voca- tive case. liobar - a loose lip. In O'R. "The child got vexed and he put a liobar on him." lúb - a loop. lasóg - a flame, a blaze of light. leid - the swath cut by a mower; corn cut with the hook and spread out thinly on the ground. lus na franc - a strong-smelling plant with yellow flowers. O'R. has lus na bhfranc = common tansy. luasgach or luas- gán - a strait or difficulty. O'R. has luas- gán = a cradle, a swing-swong. Maol - a polled or hornless cow. margadh mór - the big market that immediately precedes Christmas. midilin - the piece of cord or thong that binds the two parts of a flail together. mucair - the red berry of the sweet briar. maerin (?) - a narrow piece of ground in a bog between two bog-holes. máire rúgal or mala rúgal - burdock; O'R. has it. macaomh - a youth. Chiefly used in voca- tive. "I'm looking at you, my young macaomh."
Nuaidheacht - novelty curiosity. "You took your nuaidheacht out of it". [= Bhain tú do nuaidheacht as] = you have ceased to be curious or interested about it. Odhrán - cream-coloured. O'R. has odhar = pale, wan, dun. Palltóg - a thump, a blow. price - a fine piece of stick. pannacar - a small porringer. poltóg-s - heavy, tattered, old clothes. pislin - (used with English plural -s) = water escaping from the mouth, as with an infant. pistreóg-s - superstitious observances. poírin - a small seed potato; and hence also a small egg, apple, &c. prácás - a curiously mixed food, a medley. In O'R. plubán - a small hole - such as the track of a beast's hoof - filled with water. preab - a "spading" in digging ground. prog - working industriously, especially towards getting your daily bread. Ducks and hens looking for worms and insects are "progging". púrtár - near like "prog" to search out your wants assiduously. próthóg - a small, poor, wretched hut or habitation. pianfáis - extreme misery and affliction. The word is pian bháis, I think. pritil - the iron punch with which the blacksmith makes the holes in the shoes. pucán - a proud, haughty, well-fed fellow. From pucán, a pouch, made of kid hide. praiseach - a wild week of the cabbage tribe that grows among corn. O'R. gives ten different species of it. Reachaire - a small pony; originally from Rathlin Island. rantára - a great noise. ráimeis - a senseless rhyme, doggerel. réacoll - a poor, wretched bird or animal. rucaidhe - a person with hair naturally curled; a hen with curled feathers. rámhdaidhe = réacoll. ruag - a piece of cord platted with the hand. ribeog - a hair. romhail - easy-going, peaceful, quiet. rúraigh - a rough, readymade cake or ban- nock. raibhleach - a long, lazy, gadding fellow. raingligheacht - sneaking, idling, gadding. ró - good working order. "Have you the ró on the pipe?" rorc - one of the crossbars of a wooden gate. raithneach - the fern. ribe - long, fine, hairy grass that grows up in furze. Bonn ribe = a disease cured by the ribe. Sealastar - the common flaggers, with yellow flowers, that grow along rivers. sgiaicheóg - the whitethorn. sgiob - to throw a coin, &c., among a crowd, who all strive to get it. "I sgiobbed a penny to the scholars." seóth - a deep, open drain along a fence; an open ditch. sócamhlach - comfortable, easy, quiet. slug - a drink from a bottle. sopóg - a handful of straw or hay tied at one end. scrios - a lavish, wasteful person. searal - an offensive term with no definite meaning. O'R. has siorthoir = a slut. spadach - a heavy, large wet sod or turf. sidheógaidhe - a child who cries much, alluding to the belief that fairies stole children and left counterfeits in their stead. stroig - strippings or milk last drawn. "To stroig the cow," is to milk her quite dry. sgirreadh - a short, wee, turn at a work. scafa - the leaves or tops cut off turnips when they are pulled. The fine skin that rises off the fingers in little flakes at the root of the nails is called scafa ionga. snig - to pull turnips, trim off the roots, and cut off the turnip from the head. "I was snigging turnips all day." However I think it is the peculiar short, sharp stroke or cut by which the head is separated from the turnip that is meant by "snigging". slámán - a handful. There is a distinction between slámán and crág. The crág is applied to something contained wholly in the hand: "a crág of salt;" while the slámán denotes something only partly contained in the hand, as "a slámán of straw". sámhas - ease, comfort. O'R. has it. seanchus - tales, stories, talk about old times. scraith - and old, tough lea sod; an old sod in a bog. scud - to beat with a rod. scailigh-eye - a squint eye. splinc - the sharp peak or summit of a rock. sprugoille - the craw or stomach of a bird. scrunt - a poor, light, hilly spot in a field. slán gach samhail - God bless the mark. scráidin - a small potato. scrí(?) or scoirí (?) a great crowd or multitude of small things: "a scree of chickens." stuc - a fit of peevishness, anger. stucach - vexed, angry. spug - a needle case. spug - a small explosion, as of a few grains of blasting powder.
spug - in gambling, to "break" or win all off the person you are playing with. "Are you spugged?" "Have you lost it all?" staig - an informer, one who turns king's evidence. staig - a hard-hearted, callous person, perhaps because persons who turned informer on their com- rades were such. scioft - a short time or turn at any work. "He gave me a scioft ploughing." siorádaidhe - a slow, sneaking fellow. smur - a fine, close shower of rain. scráb - to tear the skin with the finger- nails. spág - a foot, particularly a broad, flat one. stéim - a ray of light; used only in the expression, "He cannot see a stime" = he is stone blind." [English, stim in Dublin]. smuis - rubbish, refuse material. stailc - a kind of pudding made of oatmeal and potatoes. sléaghán-spade - a spade for cutting turf. sleaghán - turf cut with such a spade. sléaghán-barrow - a peculiar sort of barrrow for carry- ing such turf. scrioblach - the refuse of anything. "I have sorted the potatoes; those are the good ones, and these are the scrioblach." staic - an assumed bend or set in the neck. "See how she goes and a staic in her neck." súileóg - a fatty sack floating on the top of a liquid, such as soup, &c. smalcóire - a little, roughly-made wooden spoon used by children on Easter Sunday for eating eggs at the afternoon "Easter House". snag - the convulsive "draw" or sniffle in a child after hard crying. smuilcis, or smulcais - rubbish, taprais. smigín - the little lobes of flesh underneath a goat's chin. slúid - to loll about indolently. One who does so is called a slúid. srán - a brutish rush at a thing, such as a "cross" dog at a person. sprudhóg-s - little fragments of turf, wood, &c. sugaidh - a name for calling a cow towards you. sucsaidh - a name for calling a calf towards you. snais - abuse, Billingsgate low talk. sliodar - to slip, to slide. splúcán - a vesicle or watery blister. súgán - a straw collar for beasts of draught. In O'R. stalcaire - a bully; a lusty, robust, rough fellow. sgreab - crust on a pot, pan, &c. In O'R. Tacair - gleaning, or gathering things up very carefully. tálaid - a rough, deep shelf on each side of the flue or chimney in an old Irish cabin. tóirt - anything of small size. "Sure that fellow in only a little tóirt." tóirtín - a small bannock of bread. támhán - a slow, dull, useless person. O'R. has tamhan = a sot. taosg - dough; an ill-baked cake. Rare. O'R. has taos = dough. traincoat - a furrow, a watercourse. tútá - a mixture of the feelings of shame and disappointment. "When he came no one welcomed him, and he went off tútá." tubaiste - a melée, great noise and con- fusion owing to some accident or mishap. trá - a cunning or deceitful trick or device. taprais - rubbish. tiollar-s - the fleshy lobs beneath the bills of hens, &c.; and also the fleshy "double chin" which some persons have. torp and torpán - a small clod of turf. O'R. has tarp = a clod, and tarpan = a cluster. Ultach or ultóg - the full of a person's arms of a thing. uirneál - a delay in going to bed, remaining up beyond the proper time. "Well, but you're fond of making the uirneál" = you're fond of stopping up late. Rarely used. ullóg - a bundle of anything. Sliabh Fuaid. [Some of the italicised words are probably provincial English - Ed.]
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