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Táthar agus c.
Táthar agus c.
Fenton, James,
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Connradh na Gaedhilge
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Táthar, &c. The Editor of the Gaelic Journal. Dear Sir - Apropos to táthar, it may interest your readers to know that táthar is not the only impersonal form of the verb to be in the spoken Irish. Táthar is pretty comon even in books, but in S.W. Kerry we find other peculiar but beautifully expressive passive forms, viz., bíti, beidhfear, beidhfidhe, bhítheas. These forms
are used when the nominative is indefinite or ambiguous: in much the same position as the French would use on. Their use and meaning will best be seen in a few exam- ples. “Bítí ag faire uirthe,” they, people, &c., are continually watching her = she is being watched con- tinually. “Ní bheidhfear dian ort,” people, authorities, etc., won't be severe on you = you shan't be severely treated. (Beidhfear is the commonest form of all.) “Ní bheidhfidhe dian air,” he would not be severely treated. “Is mórán a treablóid bhítheas ag fagailt.” people, &c. got much trouble from it. These forms are very common, and express a shade of meaning that cannot otherwise be well done. 2. In the very same part of Kerry is found a peculiar part, impersonal passive form ending in -thas, or -theas in some half a dozen verbs; as, dubharthas, fuarthas, labharthas, bhítheas, (above), tangthas, as “dubharthas go raibh se ann,” “people said,” etc. I make these remarks that some competent person may look the matter up and do it justice. — faithfully yours, James Fenton. Streamstown N.S., Westmeath. [Our correspondent can hardly have given the fourth example correctly. It should be, to my thinking, Is mór an trioblóid bhítheas d'fhágailt, or, as some would prefer it, Is mór (or ní beag) d'á dhuadh bhítheas d'fhághail. These forms, which have been well exemplified in Father O'Leary's Mion-chaint, are universal, for they are used in all the Irish-speaking districts — a thing not gene- really known — and in the Gaelic-speaking portions of Scotland. The following are some examples of their use in the Northern dialects: Bheifidhe d'á ráidht (heard in con- versation from a native of Glengesh, Co. Donegal), Dá mbeithidhe ag buaint (airgid) as, badh ghoirid go mbéidheadh sé reathte (Donegal), God chuighe (= cad chuige) nár fhan tú mar bhí do dhaoiní 'san áit nach mbíthí dá ruagadh (Donegal, in song), thainiceas (= tángas) air agus é ag goid, he was caught stealing (Donegal), thioctaoi chugam ar cuairt, “they would come (= the used to come) to visit me” (Louth), cha dtiocfaidhe tuarasgbhail ar bith fhághail uabhtha, “they could get no tidings of them” (Monaghan). Táthar, bíthear, bhíthí, béidhthear, &c., ag cur na bpréataidhe are common in Co. Donegal. There is a very curious dialecticism in the form used for the past tense in Co. Donegal, in two verbs at any rate, ex. Bhíthear ag cur na bpréataidhe, “they were setting the potatoes.” not bhitheas, &c. Fuadhthar (or chuadhthar) i mbannaidhe air le theacht amach, “he was bailed out,” not chuadh- thas, &c.; it is hard to understand how this -r came to be used instead of the literary -s. It is very easy to find examples in the Scottish dialect, as they have been and are constantly written in Scotland. The only example I know of, as yet, from Connacht is the following from a Mayo folk-tale — I give the quota- tion from memory: Tá an fear agus an bhean anois ag cur aithne ar a chéile agus faoi cheann tamaill béidhthear dh'a bpósadh; but i have no doubt all the different forms exist in that province also. All the grammars are silent as regards the existence of such forms in intransitive verbs, simply because their authors did not fully understand the Irish passive voice. This is really, in modern Irish usage at least, an active impersonal form, thus buailtear é = people (unknown) strike him, and hence = he is struck. This is how Father P. O'Leary and many other native speakers understand this grammatical form. — Ed.
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