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Irish Technical Terms for Use at Meetings. I.
Irish Technical Terms for Use at Meetings. I.
Mac Néill, Eoin,
Mac Néill, Eoin
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Connradh na Gaedhilge
Comhad TEI
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IRISH TECHNICAL TERMS FOR USE AT MEETINGS. A Meeting. — The most general term is cruinniughadh, which means literally “a gathering” of any kind. More definite terms are tionól, a regularly convoked meeting; coimhthionól, a stronger form of the same word; dáil, comhdháil, originally meaning “a tryst,” can be applied to a smaller meeting than tionól; oireachtas, an assembly or congress. A public meeting, tionól poiblidhe. A general meeting, tionól coitcheann. An ordinary meeting, tionól gnáthach. A special meeting, tionól speisialta. To call or hold a meeting, tionól do chur, tionól do ghairm. To call a meeting of the friends of the Irish language, tionól do chur ar lucht chosanta na Gaedhilge. To postpone a meeting, tionól do chur ar ath-lá, ar cáirde. In Munster cur ar gcúl is said; elsewhere cur ar gcúl means to abolish, in contrast to cur ar bun, to establish. To take the chair, 'san gcathaoir ('san chathaoir). To elect a person to the chair, neach do chur 'san gcathaoir. I beg to move that A.B. do take the chair: cuirim rómhaibh (cuirim i dtairgsin daoibh) go gcurtar A.B. 'san gcathaoir go dtéigheidh A.B. 'san gcathaoir, go dtoghthar A.B. ina fhear chathaoireach. Chairman, fear cathaoireach, uachtarán tionóla, riaghluightheóir. Proposal, comhairle. Formal Proposition, Resolution, tairgsin, rún, uráil. I propose, cuirim i gcomhairle. I beg to move, cuirim i dtairgsin. I beg to move the following resolution, cuirim i dtairgsin an rún so: fuagraim an rún so. A motion, gluaiseacht. It is moved by C.D., tá sé dhá chur (ar n-a chur) i dtairgsin (i gcomhairle, i ngluaiseacht) ag C.D. … And Seconded by E.F., agus dá chuidiughadh ag E.F. … THAT, etc., go 7c. All who are in favour of this resolution say “Aye”: gach duine aontuigheas leis an rún sain, abradh sé “bíodh.” The ayes have it: a lucht aontuighthe is treise. The Noes have it: a lucht diúltuighthe is treise. I demand a poll, Iarraim comhaireamh. I demand a show of hands, iarraim tógbháil lámh. A vote, guth, toil. Act of voting, toilidheacht. Voter, toilidhe. Put it to the vote of the meeting, cuir fá thoil an tionóla é. The minutes, an mhion-aithris. I call on the secretary to read the minutes: léigheadh an rúnaidhe an mhion-aithris. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed: do léigheadh mion-aithris ar an tionól roimhe, agus do dearbhuigheadh í. Does anyone object to the minutes being signed? An bhfuil aon duine dom' chosg ar m'ainm do chur leis an mion-aithris? The First item on the agenda paper is … is é (an) ceud ghnó ar an gclár imtheachta … Order, riar, eagar, réidhteach. Riar implies obe-
dience to law or authority. Eagar implies the systematic conduct of business. Réidhteach, the restoration of order, or making regular what has been irregular. The proceeding is out of order, tá an gnó mí- riarach, ar mí-eagar, i n-aimhréir. I rise to a point of order: fógraim cúis (punc) eagair. That is not a point of order: ní cúis eagair é sin. The matter is entirely in order: tá an sgeul (an chúis) go fír-riarach. The decision of the chair, breith na cathaoireach, breith an uachdaráin. I will take the decision of the meeting on the point: fágaim an chúis (an sgeul, an punc) fá bhreith an tionóla (an oireachtais). I beg to withdraw the motion: gabhaim cead (ó'n gcathaoir, ó'n tionól) fá'n ngluaiseacht (tairgsin) do tharrang ar ais. I move the following amendment to the motion: cuirim i gcomhairle an leasughadh so ar an ngluaiseacht. I move that the motion be amended as follows: cuirim i gcomhairle go leasuighthear an ghluaiseacht mar leanas. I move as an amendment that the following words be omitted: cuirim i gcomhairle mar leasughadh go leigthear ar lár na focail seo. I second that amendment: cuidighim-se leis an leasughadh sain. I have great pleasure in rising to support the amendment: éirighim go fonnmhar ag cabhrughadh leis an leasughadh. Hear, hear! Abair é! I now put the amendment as a substantive resolution: cuirim anois an leasughadh 'na bhun- ghluaiseacht. I wish to point out that the wording of the resolution is out of order: budh mhaith liom a thaisbeánadh go bhfuil foclughadh na gluaiseachta ar mí-réir, i n-aimhréir. The Minority, an laighead. The Majority, an mhórchuid. The majority, meaning also in English the excess of the majority over the minority, an bhreis, an bharraidheacht. The Meeting is adjourned till this day week: atá an tionól ar cáirde seachtmhaine: fuagraim go bhfuil an tionól ar cáirde go dtí seachtmhain ó indiu. The meeting is dissolved: atá an tionól ar sgur.
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